Though silent his voice may be, God speaks to us every moment of our lives. This is because he retains ownership of the breath we have. The apostle Paul says in Romans 14: 8 that if we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord, so then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord’s. In order to maintain the relationship between God as the owner of life and mankind as the grantee of life, God sent his only begotten Son Jesus Christ into the world to save us from being lost in eternity.  

Romans 5: 8 says but God shows his love for us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. The cross of Christ Jesus should therefore mirror the reasons why God sent Jesus Christ to die for us on the cross, a fact which many of us have missed. Jesus’ first word on the cross as recorded in Luke 23: 34 was Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. The spirit of forgiveness through unconditional love is the voice of the cross and resonates in all that Jesus Christ stood for. 

What does the cross say?

The language of the cross is righteousness which is discernible in all languages, tribes and tongues throughout all generations by the medium of our conscience and guarded in our hearts. It is a common heavenly language to all because of God’s spirit in us as one body of God. The cross of Christ Jesus speaks to us more audibly in the spirit than we can ever know. The issues to which the silent voice of cross speak include the following:

  1. Burden of mankind – Matthew 11: 28-29; 1 Peter 5: 7.
  2. Call to repentance – Matthew 3: 8; Mark 1: 15; Luke 5: 32; 13: 3, 5. 
  3. Christ the victorious king Matthew 12: 20-21; 1 Corinthians 15: 55-57; 1 John 5: 4.
  4. Confused state of man – John 14: 16; Proverbs 14: 12; 16: 25.
  5. Cruelty of mankind – Genesis 6: 5; Psalms 94: 11.
  6. Eternal life for mankind – Matthew 19: 16-17; John 3: 15-16; 5: 24; 6: 47; 10: 10, 28; 12: 50; Romans 6:23; 1 Timothy 6: 12; 1 John 5: 11, 13; Jude 1: 21.
  7. Faithfulness of God – 1 Corinthians 1: 9; 10: 13; 1 Thessalonians 5: 24; 2 Thessalonians 3: 3; 2 Timothy 2: 13; Hebrews 3: 2, 6; 10: 23; 1 John 1: 9; Revelation 2: 10.   
  8. Forgiveness of sin – Luke 23: 34; Ephesians 1: 7; Colossians 1: 14; 1 John 1: 9. 
  9. God’s final judgment – Matthew 12: 36; John 5: 27; Romans 2: 16; 1 Corinthians 2: 15
  10. Grace of God – John 1: 14, 16, 17;Romans 5: 20-21; 6: 1, 14, 15; 11: 6; 2 Corinthians 12: 9; Ephesians 2: 7, 8; Titus 2: 11.  
  11. Holiness of God – 1 Thessalonians 4: 7; Hebrews 12: 14; Acts 2: 27; Romans 12: 1; 1 Peter 1: 15. 
  12. Hopelessness of man Isaiah 57: 10; Romans 8: 26; Hebrews 2: 18; 4: 16; 13: 6.
  13. Humility to God – Matthew 21: 5; Philippians 2: 8; James 4: 10; 1 Peter 5: 5-6; Philippians 2: 3. 
  14. Love of God – John 3: 16; 10: 17; Romans 5: 8; 1 Peter 3: 18. 
  15. Man of tolerance – Psalms 16: 14; Isaiah 53: 3-4.   
  16. Mercy of God – Matthew 9: 13; Romans 11: 32; Ephesians 2: 4-5; 1 Peter 2: 10; Jude 1: 21. 
  17. Obedience to God – Romans 5: 19; Philippians 2: 8; Hebrews 5: 8. 
  18. Rejection and outcast – Zachariah 3: 19; Isaiah 56: 8; Jeremiah 30: 17.
  19. Righteousness of God – Matthew 13: 43; Luke 5: 32; Romans 3: 10, 21-22; 2 Corinthians 6: 14.  
  20. Salvation of the soul – Luke 1: 77; Acts 4: 12; 13: 47; Romans 1: 16; Ephesians 6: 17; Philippians 2: 12; 1 Thessalonians 5: 9; 2 Timothy 2:10; Hebrews 5: 9; Revelation 12: 10. 
  21. Sacrifice of Christ Jesus – 1 Corinthians 5: 7; Ephesians 5: 2; Hebrews 10: 12; 12: 
  22. Second coming of Christ – Matthew 23: 39; John 14: 3; Revelation 3: 11; 22: 7, 12;  22: 20.
  23. Separation from the world – 2 Corinthians 6: 17; Ephesians 2: 12; Hebrew 7: 26. 
  24. Shyness for Christ – Romans 10: 11; 9: 33; 1 Corinthians 1: 27; 2 Timothy 1: 12; 1 Peter 2: 6; 14: 16; Psalms 25: 16; 102: 7; Lamentations 1: 1.
  25. Triumph over the enemy – 2 Corinthians 2: 14; Colossians2: 15.
  26. Vanity and emptiness – Matthew 27: 35; Mark 15: 24; Luke 23: 34; John 19: 24; Job 1: 21; Ecclesiastics 1: 2; 2: 17;  2: 21; Isaiah 49: 4.

These biblical references are for our spiritual guide as we travail before God for his presence and intervention in our lives. As we meditate on these biblical references in prayer we pray that the good Lord would speak into our souls for a personal encounter with him and for a testimony to his glory and honour in his holy name. 

We pray that the Lord will open our understanding to his word; open our eyes to behold this glory; open our sensitivity to his suffering on the cross; open our hearts to faith of his redemption; open our minds to his wisdom; open our appreciation for his redeeming grace; and open our love for his mercy in Christ Jesus our blessed Lord and Saviour. 


Dear Lord Jesus Christ, on the cross you placated our sins and restored us to eternity. By your sacrificial blood, you sealed our faith by the covenant for our eternity with the Father. You dismissed and banished death and fear because of sin. Let us always hear your gentle voice for our repentance and forgiveness. In your love, lead us to show love and hear us Lord Jesus Christ in your holy name, Amen!!

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