Everyone needs miracles in our lives. There are things or situations we do not understand or wish we would be freed from. Some sound humanly impossible but not God or Christ Jesus our Lord. The many miracles which Christ Jesus performed were pointers to this fact of his invincibility as God incarnate and his divinity. They were also to elucidate his teaching about God the Father who sent him. 

Miracles were self-explanatory to every language yet the people missed the central theme. Each miracle which Jesus performed had a message that was and still is consistent with his teaching and scripture. Although in each miracle there are many lessons, we are constrained to espouse all lessons to each miracle but to focus on the pivotal theme in our discourse. We pray that the Lord will lead us in our discourse regarding the central theme for some of Jesus’ miracles for our study.

1. He turned water into wine – In John 2: 1-11, Jesus at a wedding feast in Cana turned water into wine when the wine of the host got finished unexpectedly. When the unexpected happens to us, we must call on Jesus Christ to intervene and our latter situation will be better than the former if we obey his instructions however it may sound. 

2. He healed Blind Bartimaeus – In Mark 10: 46-52, Blind Bartimaeus said to Jesus, Master let me receive my sight and Jesus restored his sight. Jesus wants us to be precise and unrelenting about our needs when we call upon him, not wants and will answer us if we are serious with him. Bartimaeus’ need honoured God. Will our needs honour God? 

3. He healed a lame of 38 years – In John 5: 1-15 at the Sheep Gate pool in Jerusalem, Jesus healed a lame man of thirty-eight years paralysis. The longevity of any paralysis however described, whether medical or not, physical or spiritual, economic or social, imaginary, mental or psychological is no barrier for Jesus if we encounter him. We must not wait any longer. Jesus is ready to show pity on us.

4. He healed a Centurion’s servant – In Matthew 8: 5-10, 13 a Centurion with faith requested Jesus to heal his paralyzed servant with terrible distress. Based on his faith Jesus pronounced healing on the servant and he got healed. Whosoever asks for a favour from Jesus in faith shall be answered. Do we doubt God’s promise of faithfulness?

5. He healed on the Sabbath Day – On countless occasions as in Matthew 12: 10-13; Mark 3: 1-5; Luke 6: 6-11; John 5: 5-17 Jesus healed on the Sabbath and was accused of breaking the Sabbath. Jesus, like the Father, works always as the Lord of the Sabbath because our lives are precious to him. Jesus does not slumber nor sleep but always watchful as a good shepherd. Do we have the right heart to call on him?

6. He cast out demons into swine – In Matthew 8: 28-34 Jesus cast out demons from two demoniacs into a herd of swine and they perished in the sea. Jesus by this has assured us that he is able and will abase demonic spirits which torment us to their extinction. God is the security for our souls and he wants us to trust and lean on him always through Christ Jesus. Do we trust Christ Jesus’ authority?

7. He foretold the truth at Jacob’s Well – In John 4: 5-29, Jesus at a well called Jacob’s Well revealed the past life of a Samaritan woman and thereby got her saved. Jesus knows all about our past, our present and our future lives and nothing can be hidden from him. He wants us to worship God in spirit and in truth because God is spirit. What secret life can we hide from Jesus Christ which he does not already know? We must confess and repent now? 

8. He fed over 5,000 people with little – In Matthew 14: 15-21; Mark 6: 35-44; Luke 9: 12-17; John 6: 3-14 Jesus fed five thousand men besides women and children with only five barley loaves and two fish and the fragments and left overs were twelve baskets. Jesus cares about our daily sustenance and will sufficiently provide. What we have does not matter but what we submit to him to use for others. What are we submitting to Jesus for the benefit of others? 

9. He walked on the sea – In Matthew 14: 25-33; Mark 6: 47-52; John 6: 16-21 Jesus walked on the sea to join his disciples in a boat. Wherever we are, Jesus can reach us and nature cannot be a barrier to him because he is not subject to nature. The creator of all things is not subject to his creation. What situation is overwhelming us? Jesus is able to elevate us above that situation if we allow him.

The days and era of Jesus’ miracles are not over but are renewed every moment of our lives. Do we need an encounter with Christ Jesus? Is it to honour him and not for our selfish ends? Do we possess a heart for his intervention? Are we ready for Christ Jesus never to go back from him and do we mean it in our hearts? If so, let us call him now and he will show us his miracle of peace! 


Our dear Lord Jesus Christ let the lessons from your miracles open our understanding to your word, our eyes to see you and our ears to hear you. Touch our hearts to obey you. Let us be partakers of your miracle of redemption from the cross by your grace. In your holy name let us be partakers of your many miracles and to testify to unbelievers by our words and deeds we pray, Amen!!

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