Jesus Christ illustrated his messages with miracles, signs, wonders and parables. The miracles had sound lasting pictorial effects on the people’s minds. Jesus’ miracles were easy to relate to although Jesus Christ did not always explain the import of his miracles, signs and wonders. The silent voice of each miraculous event was laud and far reaching.

Proverbs 16: 4 says the Lord has made everything for its purpose, even the wicked for the day of trouble. God wants us to know the purpose of Jesus’ miracles so we may appreciate him better and submit to his instructions through Christ Jesus. In our discourse we pray that the Lord who has made all things possible will speak to our hearts to be better persons spiritually. We conclude with the following miracles of Jesus and their pivotal theme.  

1. He healed the blind with spittle – In John 9: 5-7 Jesus applied spittle with clay on the eyes of the blind who washed in the pool of Siloam and regained his sight. Jesus uses the things around us to restore us in obedience to him. Jesus does not want us to discount anything created through him or his modes of intervention in our lives or situation. Are we too big to accept the little things of God?

2. He raised Lazarus from death – In John 11: 1-48 Lazarus of Bethany the brother of Mary who anointed the Lord with ointment and wiped his feet with her hair, and Martha her sister fell ill and died and Jesus wept because he loved him. Four days after his death Jesus raised him from the dead. With Christ Jesus, nothing goes waste but is restored to his glory if we have faith in him. He weeps when he loses us more so when we lose faith in him. Where is our faith?

3. He calmed the winds and the sea – In Matthew 8: 24-27; Mark 4: 49; Luke 8: 24 whilst Jesus and his disciples were in the boat at sea, a great storm arose and caused the winds to swamp the boat. When Jesus was woken from sleep, he rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was calm. Jesus restores the storms of life by his commanding words for eternal peace. If we call him in troubled times, he will restore our peace. What troubled times and fears do we have? 

4. He rose from the dead in 3 days – In Matthew 28:1-7; Mark 16: 1-7; Luke 24: 1-7; John 20: 1-17 Jesus rose from the dead on the third day after his death just as he had prophesied prior to his crucifixion. He holds the keys to life and death and he lives and reigns with the Father at God’s right hand in heaven forevermore. He also lives by his word and those who follow him will also live again even if they die because Jesus Christ is the owner of life.

5. He restored peace amidst fear – In John 20: 19-21, 26 after Jesus’ resurrection and on the first day of the week whilst the doors were shut where the disciples were, for fear of the Jews, Jesus appeared among them and said, peace be with you.  He is the owner, giver and restorer of peace if we wait upon him and his promises. Absence of conflict does not give peace but God’s presence through Christ Jesus. Those who want peace must come to Jesus Christ. 

6. He healed  by his garments – In Mark 5: 25-34; Luke 8: 43-44 a woman who had had a flow of blood (hemorrhage) for twelve years got immediately healed when she touched the fringes of Jesus’ garments. Everything about Jesus Christ be it his name, his word of life, his Holy Spirit, spittle, garments, etc. make all things new and fresh for us. Do we want to be refreshed? Then this is the time to reach out and touch anything of Jesus Christ by faith for an unfailing result.

7. He cleansed the Ten Lepers – In Luke 17: 12-19 Jesus as he entered a village met ten lepers who stood at a distance who asked for his mercy. Rather, Jesus asked them to go and show themselves to the priests and as they went they were cleansed. Obedience produces faith and God rewards obedience. Only the foreigner among them returned to thank God. Jesus expects thanks from us even from a foreigner because he does not discriminate. How do we show gratitude and appreciation to God for his grace and love?   

8. He cursed the fig tree to wither – In Matthew 21: 19; Mark 11: 13 Jesus cursed the fig tree which appeared to have fruits out of season yet had none to  wither and it was immediate. God hates hypocrisy, deceit or lukewarm attitude. He wants us to always be true in all things. When Jesus comes, he will punish hypocrites. Are we true or deceitful? When will we stop deceiving our souls? We must be true and plain because Jesus wants us to be true always.  

9. He restored a dismembered ear – In Luke 22: 51; John 18: 10; Matthew 26: 51; Mark 14: 47 Peter angrily struck and cut the right ear of the high priest’s slave called Malchus with a sword in the garden of Gethsemane when they went to arrest Jesus led by Judas to crucify. Jesus rebuked his disciples and restored the cut ear. Jesus’ love and forgiveness are unconditional and non-discriminatory. On the cross, he said Father forgive them; for they know not what they do. We are called to emulate this love and forgiveness.


Our dear Lord Jesus Christ, we have come to the truth that you came to fulfill scripture and your miracles testify to it. Please lead us in humility to submit to you by this fact. Cleanse us in your blood and save our souls today in your holy name. Favour us to be partakers of your miracles, we pray thee, our most blessed king, Amen!!

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