There is ample proof that God exists. Why we came to this conclusion are as follows:

God answers prayers

Throughout history God has been answering prayers. In Genesis 25: 21-24, Isaac prayed for his barren wife and she conceived and gave birth to twins. Rebekah testified to this fact personally. In Exodus 3: 7-9, the Israelites prayed to be delivered from slavery and God answered them. In 1 Samuel 1: 10-11, 20, 27-28 Hannah was ridiculed for being barren. She prayed and God answered her with a son, Samuel. 

In 2 Kings 6: 15-17, Elisha’s servant was scared at the Arameans in battle. Elisha prayed and God opened the servant’s eyes to see God’s horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. In 2 Chronicles 32: 24, 26-33; Isaiah 38: 5 King Hezekiah became sick and at the point of death he prayed. God added fifteen more years to his life aside from wealth and security because of his heart.  

In Job 42: 2, 5-10 Job was afflicted with multiple calamities. He prayed for life and God healed him and gave him twice as much before his affliction. In Jonah 1: 1-2; 2: 1, 10 Jonah who fled from God’s mission to Nineveh by a ship was thrown overboard and swallowed by a whale. He prayed in the belly of the whale and God spoke to the fish, and it spewed Jonah out upon the dry land. These are a few biblical examples among many that God answers prayers because he exists. 

God manifests in miracles

In the Egyptian plaques, God turned water into blood, Exodus 7: 14-24; swarm them with frogs, Exodus 7: 25-8: 11, 15; Lice, Exodus 8: 12-15, 16-19; Flies, Exodus 8: 16-28, 32; killed their livestock, Exodus 9: 1-7; afflicted them with boils, Exodus 9: 8-12; sent thunderstorm of hail and fire, Exodus 9: 13-35; allowed invasion of locusts, Exodus 10: 1-20; brought three days of darkness excluding the Israelites, Exodus 10: 21-29; and allowed death to every firstborn  in the land, humans and livestock, Exodus 11: 5; 12: 29

God led the Israelites on dry ground through the Red Sea, Exodus 14: 21-22; fed them with manna, Exodus 16: 13-14; gave them water from the rock, Exodus 17: 5-6; Psalms 105: 14. In God’s name, David killed Goliath with a sling and just one stone, 1 Samuel 17: 45-51. In Joshua 10: 13, the sun stood still, and the moon stopped, until the nation took vengeance on their enemies. Elijah prayed against rain, and there was none for three years and six months. Thereafter, he prayed for rain and the heaven gave rain and the yielded bountiful harvest, James 5: 17-18

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego survived a furnace of blazing fire heated seven times, Daniel 3: 19-25. Daniel survived in the den of lions, Daniel 6: 16-23. The pot of the widow at Zarephath in Sidom never got empty after she had catered for Elijah, 1 Kings 17: 9-16. Jesus turned water into wine in Cana of Galilee, John 2: 3-10. Jesus healed the sick, exorcised the afflicted and raised the dead, Luke 7: 22. The wind and the sea obeyed Jesus, Matthew 8: 26-27

Jesus fed ten thousand besides women and children with five loaves of bread and two fish, and had left overs of twelve baskets full, Matthew 14: 17-21; Mark 6: 38-44; Luke 9: 13-17; John 6: 8-14. Jesus also fed seven loaves to four thousand with leftovers of seven baskets full, Matthew 16: 10; Mark 8: 20. Jesus rose from the dead, Matthew 28: 6; Mark 16: 6; Luke 24: 5; John 20: 12-17. God’s angel released Peter from prison, Acts 12: 5-11. These real events defy coincidences. 

Many have encountered God

God manifests to us orally or visually. He had an encounter with Noah, Genesis 6: 13-17; 9: 12-17; Abraham, Genesis 17: 1, 9; Jacob, Genesis 28: 12-13; 35: 1, 11;  Moses, Exodus 3: 4; 14; through prophets, Judges 6: 8; Gideon, Judges 6: 11-26; Samuel, 1 Samuel 3: 10-14; David, 1 Chronicles 14: 10; 28: 3; Solomon, 2 Chronicles 1: 7; Daniel, Daniel 10: 12; and Hosea in Hosea 1: 9 among many others.

God said in Genesis 17: 1; Exodus 6: 3, I am God Almighty. He said in Revelation 1: 8, “I am the Alpha and the Omega”, says the Lord God, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty. God said in Proverbs 10: 4 those who seek me diligently find me. God says he is the creator of heaven and earth as the Lord, and there is no other, Isaiah 45: 18

God spoke at Jesus’ baptism, Matthew 17: 5; Mark 9: 7; Luke 9: 35. God’s angels were at Jesus’ tomb, John 20: 12. Jesus spoke of God in the Lord’s Prayer, Matthew 6: 9; Luke 11: 2. Jesus made countless references to God as his Father, Matthew 5: 16 and at least 20 other references in the New Testament. God is mentioned at least 1,200 times in the New Testament, and 2,850 times in the Old Testament. 

Where is our faith? God never promised us a bed of roses but an assurance of his presence with inner peace in times of need or need, not by our time but in his own will. He is a perfect God and his works are perfect. He is alive and in the affairs of men who love him. Do you love God and his Son Jesus? 


Dear Lord Jesus, we know and accept that you are the Christ, who lives and reigns with the Father forever and ever. Your creation attests to your wondrous works. Reveal yourself to us to heal our unbelief and doubts. Speak to us in the coolness of your countenance and grace to calm our troubled hearts. Teach us to pray so we may receive answers from you and to taste of your miracles for our testimonies. We pray in your holy name, Amen!!

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