Everyone makes a voluntary choice for the type of eternity he wants after death. It is irreversible after death. This choice predates your relationship with Jesus Christ before death. The state of your heart determines your relationship. The bible directs us in our choice for eternity.

Show of love

Jude, brother of Jesus, was heartbroken when some followers of Christ disobeyed God. Jude did not condemn or despise them but prayerfully cautioned them in love. He prayed that God’s mercy, peace and love unto them may be multiplied, Jude 1:2. God’s love for us is unconditional and expects us to do likewise. In love Jude reminded his people that propagating the word required diligence and exultation which they had lost. Today, we would rather curtail our love to perceived sinners or transgressors. We sometimes disparage them with avoidance, insults or curses. Love overcomes all barriers and paves the way for eternity with the Lord. It is the greatest of all gifts. We miss eternity with God without love.

Israel’s transgression

God’s people allowed ungodly men to condemn the gospel. They turned God’s grace to licentiousness and denied the Lord Jesus Christ. They did not care about Godly protection. They chose eternity in hell or without Jesus Christ. Oftentimes intense economic and social challenges tempt us to make the wrong choice for eternity because it is logically attractive. We easily get exposed to the vagaries of ungodly offers of the flesh that are irresistible though at variance with God’s will. Both heaven and hell keep knocking at your door, which of them will you let in or answer? 

Jude’s reprove

Jude was specific that their choice of life will lead them into eternal chains prepared for the devil on the judgment day. Jude revealed the hidden truth that upon death, the devil contests the soul for eternity in hell with him. For a good deed, Jesus however will contest your soul for eternity in heaven just like Michael the archangel did for Moses, Jude 1:9. The battle for your soul is real and very fierce. God will not contest for your soul from the devil if you do not qualify for heaven. Who will claim your soul when you die, God or Satan?

Speaking falsely

Jude also admonished the people not to speak of what we do not know. We resort to human logic and reasoning to espouse God, faith and God’s doctrine without fact check. Jude observed that some utterances were in pursuit of their own lusts. As followers of Christ, we must be careful of our tongues, our desires, our character and what we indulge in or associate with. These determine our preferred choice for eternity. Hypocrisy is a sin says Jude. It can derail our choice of eternity. Are you true in word and deed to qualify for eternity with Jesus Christ? 

End time offers

According to Jude, there shall be mockers in the last days. They shall walk after their own ungodly lusts, separate themselves, be sensual and without God’s spirit. We are prone to their doctrines and teachings in our last days as we close the age and prepare for Jesus’ return. We must not give in to any foolish or vain doctrines, Romans 16:17; Ephesians 4:14. We must not be carried about with divers and strange doctrines, Hebrews 13:9. Let us pray for courage to say no to these end time offers? Let us Pray for strength to resist the devil to flee from you, James 4:7.

God’s grace

Jude confirms that only Jesus Christ can, with joy, present you faultless before God’s throne. To qualify, you must be sober and vigilant of your adversary, the devil, who is roaring like a lion walking about seeking whom he may devour, 1 Peter 5:8. Where and how do you want to spend your eternity? It is not too late to decide and work on it. Just tell it to Jesus Christ who is ever ready to help you.


Master Jesus, in adversity, let me act with love. In my shortcoming, let me confess in humility. In my walk with you, let me be obedient. In my haste, let me wait on you. In my utterances, give me a bridled tongue. In my pride, abase me. Lead me in my choice for eternity in your precious blood. Amen!!

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