Darkness enables us to appreciate light. Wherever there is light, darkness is dispersed. Darkness comes with fear and insecurity whereas light comes with clarity of vision and confidence. Light therefore brings meaning to life. In a chaotic state at creation, God commanded light and immediately, there was order, Genesis 1:3-4. That light was Jesus. Light is therefore essential for life. The roles and benefits of the sun and the moon are beyond controversy. 

Our world of darkness

Spiritually, the world is dark. Before Christ, we were groping in this darkness without any sense of direction as to the way out. We were lost and always clung to misleading pointers for directions. For this reason, John the Baptist, though he was not the light, came to bear testimony about the light, Jesus who was to come and disperse the darkness, John 1:8.  

Jesus confirmed that this world is a place of darkness when he said in Matthew 4:16, the people who sat in darkness have seen a great light, and for those who sat in the region and shadow of death, light has dawned. In effect Jesus also drew a relationship between darkness and death. This nexus is spiritual to the effect that to dwell in darkness is to be in a shadow of death. This inference suggests that before Christ we were dead or dwelt in the shadow of death and needed redemption through his light.

Luke 1:79 says Jesus came to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, and will guide our feet into the way of peace. Jesus draws another relationship between light and peace; or darkness and chaos. Before Christ mankind was without peace but Jesus came to guide us towards eternal or spiritual peace. Jesus said, my peace I leave you; not as the world gives, John 14:27. 

The nature of light

Light transmits light. Light is infectious in that wherever light is, or whatever comes into contact with light, darkness around it disappears. Not all lights are visible to the naked eye yet they remain lights when we use the requisite equipment. Light travels very fast. Light gives life, vitality and energy. Light gives assurance of security. Light gives warmth. Spiritually, our good works are the light. We may not visibly see the light in our good works but the world sees it just as they see our bad works. 

Jesus’ disciples had worked and walked with him yet were blinded from seeing the light until the transfiguration when they saw the nature of light he was in the likes of Moses and Elijah, Matthew 17:2; Matthew 28:3. At the time Moses and Elijah were their most revered prophets and Jesus was transfigured in their status. Jesus’ appearance was like lightning, and his raiment white as snow.     

As light of the world reflecting Jesus as its source of transmission, we are to be swift and pure as lightning in discharging our duties. There must not be any more delays for the character of light is not for delays particularly as we approach the last days. Matthew 8:17 says, light must not be hidden but made manifest. The purpose of light is to show or illuminate the way by its superior character in every situation or circumstances. 

Jesus as the light

Jesus said I am the light of the light of the world, John 8:12. He reiterated that as long as he was in the world, he is the light of the world, John 9:5. Jesus is still with us by his resurrection and the presence of the Holy Spirit. He said also, I have come as light into the world, that whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness, John 12:46

Jesus was the light to the Gentiles (none Jews) and for glory to his people of Israel, Luke 2:32. The glory is to the effect that all men irrespective of background were given equal opportunity to reflect his light. Jesus has however cautioned us not to quench the light, Luke 11:35. He owns the light and he illustrates that light for example illuminates our surroundings in order to find lost precious things, Luke 15:8. Those who do evil hate the light (Jesus), except those who do right, John 3:20-21.    

Jesus came to transmit light to the world. John 1:4-5 says in him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it. The life of Jesus was therefore the light of men that overshadowed the darkness of this world.  Jesus has given us part of his light. Matthew 5:14 says you are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Jesus’ is proverbially saying that we have been positioned above all to show the way just as he did. 

In Matthew 5:16 Jesus said, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your father who is in heaven. Jesus’ command is non negotiable. It is to ensure that God is glorified by our conduct. It is by our conduct that will show if we are indeed the light Jesus wants us to be. Jesus is also elucidating that there are only two works in this life, good or bad and we choose good so that God may be glorified. Will you partner with Jesus as the light of this world? Do not continue to dwell in darkness. Come to the light with Jesus. 


Dear Lord Jesus, I want to partner with you as the light of this world. Help me to maintain the light and to illuminate the darkened path of your children so your name may be glorified by my life. In your name I pray, Amen!!

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