In times of adversity, we succumb to fear and doubt. Fear stems from a belief of hopelessness. This divides our front against the common enemy. The bible says a divided house or kingdom cannot stand, Mark 3:24-25; Matthew 12:25. This is one of the greatest weapons of the devil.

Ezra’s account

In Ezra Chapter three, we read that when the people of Israel returned from captivity, they wanted to rebuild the temple but were not sure of the inhabitants of the land. They then united and sought the face of God. They also obeyed the commandment of God that Moses gave them, offered burnt offerings morning and evening daily to the Lord and also offered freewill offering to the Lord. They did this even prior to the laying of the foundation of the temple. 

Dedication to God

They gave money to the builders of the temple to source for materials for the temple and helped those dedicated to build the temple as worthy of trust. Jeshua, involved his fellow priest and his sons and kinsmen to support God’s project. The builders were honest to their respective tasks and did complete the foundation of the temple. Israel praised God for the completed foundation. Those who saw the old temple wept though they shouted for joy. The temple was actually built essentially by those who returned from exile with joy of freedom. 

Unity of purpose

In adversity, the people of Israel remained focused to do the right thing for the Lord. Had they been divided, the enemy would have overcome them. The word of God remained as their standard and guide. God’s instructions did not change, humans however change. Whenever we change, we disappoint God. The bible says that I have hidden your word in my heart that I may not sin against you, Hebrews 10:16-17. The word of God must be our source of meditation, Joshua 1:8.   

Supporting God’s work

The people gave generously to further the Lord’s work. God’s appreciation is not predicated on the quantum but the heart. Jesus referred to the widow’s mite as more than all those who contributed to the treasury, Mark 12:43. God loves a cheerful giver, not a heart that gives grudgingly, 2 Corinthians 9:7. We do not have to see the end of God’s work in order to give but rather with faith and trust. Jesus said to Thomas, blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe, John 20:29.    

Honesty to God

Jeshua involved his family and we must do likewise. We must be honest to our call to duty in Christ Jesus. Dishonesty includes theft and pilfering in God’s house or from God’s resources. It is one of the most deadly sins which we must avoid. The people of Israel abstained from turpitude. We must also remain pure in God’s service. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever, Hebrews 13:8 so we must also be consistent, reliable and trustworthy before God. 


The people wept for the joy of restoration of the temple with reminiscence. Those who know Christ are always filled with tears of joy in his arms with reminiscence of their past sins. Those who returned from exile built the temple. Have you commenced laying the foundation of God’s temple, your heart since Christ redeemed you from your exiled spiritual home of sin? God’s temple is also his church.

Uniting for Christ

Paul says that he planted and Apollos watered, but God gave the growth, 1 Corinthians 3:6. God’s work requires unity just as the body has many parts yet one body each playing its role, Romans 12:4-5. You cannot do it alone, the harvest is plentiful but the labourers are few, Matthew 9:37; Luke 10:2. We need to avoid bickering and unite in Christ for his work especially in the last days. Together, we can resist the devil so he will flee from us, James 4:7.

PrayerChrist Jesus, we pray that we may be one with a common vision per your prayer for us in John 17:11; 17:21-23. Help us to express joy and dedication in your service. Let us be generous to your course always. In your mighty name we pray. Amen!!

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