Jesus said, Io, I am with you always, to the close of the age, Matthew 28:20. Many have doubted Jesus’ statement. They allege that Jesus has no hand in our affairs or that events of the world occur by nature. Many also say that Jesus is no more with the living and cannot influence events. They doubt the divinity of Jesus Christ and God the Father who sent him. I have cause to believe Jesus by his word.

My trauma with the sea

On Easter Monday in the year 1979, I went to the beach. In the course of swimming, I suddenly felt tired so I decided to return to the beach but I could not swim back as I was exhausted. There was a rock close by so I swam towards it to catch some breath. Soon, I saw a high wave approaching so I tried to ride on the waves back to shore but that also failed me. I began to drown and I hit the bottom of the sea. 

The journey towards the sea bed was rough. I gulped volumes of the sea water mixed with sand and other materials without any choice or sympathy from the elements. I suffered bruises from other rocks and objects beneath the sea. I had no swimming suit or costume or oxygen mask. In my dejected state of helplessness, panic and confusion, I could only see tons of water so high above me.

My weaknesses

The rock on which I took temporary solace through human wisdom failed me. My swimming skills upon which I relied as my strength could not save me. My confidence and skills were useless. The fear of mermaid clouded by focus on Jesus though, I had called him for help. Oblivious of how I could exit the sea bed based on human wisdom or intelligence, I was helplessly trapped in the shadow of death.

My call to Jesus

I silently but desperately called the name of Jesus Christ to save me. It was the only option left. I then heard an audible soft voice which said, jump. I wondered how I could jump through that volume of water and even if I could, how I would swim ashore thereafter. All sorts of thoughts including my funeral crossed my mind. The voice repeated, jump! This time it was not soft but rather very authoritative. Panicking that it was the voice of a mermaid, I quickly jumped to escape from its clutches. When I jumped, the voice continued to instruct me what to do next until I reached the popped out from beneath the sea bed to the surface. 

I popped up three times and on all occasions, I sunk again. I became unconscious, got trapped between some unknown people who rescued me to the shore. They explained later how they met me drafting. When I got home, my father who was a minister of the gospel asked me whether I went swimming and I denied. I asked him why and he responded that while he took a nap in the afternoon, he dreamt I had drowned. I smiled and repeated my lies though I was appreciative of God who through Jesus Christ had saved me from that painful death through drowning. It was traumatizing and frightening.

Obedience to Jesus’ voice

Upon obeying the soft and gentle voice which I now believe and attest to as that of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I got out from the bottom of the sea where no one could rescue me. With obedience to the voice of Jesus, I received further directions on what to do next. Without obedience, I would have missed those further instructions to keep afloat. In truth, to obey is better than sacrifice, 1 Samuel 15:22

In my confused and panicking state, I needed a discerning spirit to identify Jesus’ voice. It is one of the gifts Paul encourages us to desire in 1 Corinthians 12:31. I do not know how I survived but Jesus knows it all and all that concerns us. God is the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end, Revelation 22:13.    

Jesus was with me even under the sea. He cannot be limited. He says his word is not on his own authority; but the Father who dwells in him does his works, John 14:10. Jesus said that though heaven and earth shall pass away, but his word will not pass away, Matthew 24:35; Mark 13:31. I was weak to rescue myself or to seek help by any other means. However, Jesus perfected my weakness by his word which says, my grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness, 2 Corinthians 12:9.  

God’s assurance

I am alive today for listening to and obeying the voice of Jesus. His word says the dead will hear the voice of Jesus, and those who hear will live, John 5:25. In truth I was dead in body but revived by his instructions on how to keep afloat. Jesus said those who hear his words are like wise men whereas those who do not do them are like foolish men, Luke 6:47-49. Jesus also caused my father to intercede for me in prayer without my father’s factual knowledge of my predicament. 

Psalms 121:4 says behold, he who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. I was afraid I would die though Jesus said, fear not, for you are more valuable than many sparrows, Matthew 10:31. Jesus knows even the hairs of your head, Luke 12:7. I called on his name and he answered. Proverbs 8:17 says I love those who love me, and those who seek me diligently will find me; also Jeremiah 29:13.  Surely, the name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous man runs into it and is safe, Proverbs 18:10. I had no righteousness but the blood of Jesus. I had not long been born again by his blood.

I called upon God and he saved me, Psalms 55:16. I called him because Psalms 50:15 says call upon me in times of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me. I am satisfied that God’s love is without end and for that reason, nothing shall truly separate us from the love of Christ, Romans 8:38.  Christ in the midst of my anxiety gave me peace because of his promise to give me peace, John 14:27. God does not sleep nor slumber, Psalms 12:14. Trust Jesus, he will not fail you. The Lord is with you always.

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