David said in Psalms 23:1 that the Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. A shepherd is accountable for his sheep. Jesus likened his ministry to that of a shepherd and his sheep or flock. In those days, shepherds and their flocks were common so it was easy for Jesus to illustrate his ministry with that. In Psalms 23, David sets out what are the normal or general duties of a shepherd as well as the needs of a sheep.
Kinds of shepherds
There are two kinds of shepherds, good shepherds and bad shepherds. Jesus said he is the good shepherd, John 10: 11 and 14.
Good shepherd
A good shepherd is what is expected of him in Psalms 23. He also does additional duties that make the sheep comfortable and satisfied. He protects and secures the lives and health of the sheep. He accounts for his stewardship at the end of the day. He executes his work joyfully, gracefully and proficiently.
David’s account
Aside Psalms 23, David said in 1 Samuel 17:34-35 when he was addressing King Saul that, your servant used to keep sheep for his father, and when came a lion, or a bear, and took a lamb from the flock, I went after him and smote him and delivered it out of his mouth, and if he rose against me, I caught it by his beard, and smote him and killed him. David was referring to the qualities of bravery, focus, vigilance, commitment and tenacity required of a responsible shepherd.
Bad shepherd
Satan is the bad shepherd. A bad shepherd is irresponsible and negligent. He is insincere. Rather than gathering the sheep, he disperses them. He sacrifices the lives and security of the sheep to vociferous creatures like lions, bears etc. to feed on or kill them. The sheep’s health is not important. He leads the sheep to danger or exposes them to danger. He has no personal bond with his sheep.
Characteristics of sheep
Sheep are the first domesticated wild animals dating back to the date of Abraham. Sheep are very vulnerable and prone to danger from predators. They are harmless and not aggressive. They are meek and if trained, very submissive to the shepherd. Sheep are very content and relaxed. When in need, they bleat for attention. They bond and flock together within families.
Sheep look up to the shepherd for its feed, cleansing and security. They are selfless and easily share with others. They graze in flocks on short and fine grass usually green and close to its roots. Sheep regurgitate their food so they can chew and thoroughly digest it. They usually give single birth, but sometimes to twins. They produce hair, wool, milk and meat. They are used for sacrifice as propitiation for sin. Their dominant colour is white but sometimes with dark colour or a mix of the colours.
Biblical relevance
God expects us to learn from a sheep’s sterling characteristics. They can be summarized as content in life, selflessness or love, obedience or humility, and reliance on its shepherd for security. We must regurgitate our spiritual food, the word of God and digest it for our spiritual growth. God’s children must be one as a flock without acrimony or division. God has given us the capacity to decide.
We are the sheep, Jesus is the good shepherd and our God Father in heaven owns the sheep. He has given all knowledge and power to Jesus to be our shepherd. We, like sheep, are more prone to both physical and spiritual predators than we can ever imagine. Only the good Lord knows who our predators are and how to escape their net. We need an abled shepherd in order to avert and escape imminent danger.
Choosing a shepherd
I recommend to you the shepherd called Jesus Christ. It takes nothing but an honest relationship with him. Whilst Jesus lay down his life for us according to 1 John 3:16, Satan rather prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour, 1 Peter 5:8. Peter says for you were straying like sheep, but have now returned to the Shepherd and Guardian of your souls, 1 Peter 2:25. It is not late to engage Jesus as your shepherd. John 3:16 says for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life. You need Jesus always.
Dear Lord Jesus, I invite you to be my shepherd from this day forward. Give me strength in my weakness. Provide for me that I may also feed your lambs. In your holy name I pray. Amen!!