A gift is a show of love from the giver to the receiver. It is predicated on grounds of reciprocity, for example an exchange of gifts. It could also mean given based on a solely personal decision. It is voluntary and not on compulsion. Once a gift is given and received or acknowledged, the giver lacks capacity as the owner to retrieve the same as the purported owner except if it was given by mistake or by fraud.

Although there is standard for a gift in terms of its value or description, it is however deemed to be something of value to either the giver or receiver. King David wanted a piece of land and oxen in order to build an altar to the Lord for offering. When Araunah decided to offer it to David for free, David said to him in 2 Samuel 24:24 that, no, but I will buy it of you for a price; I will not offer burnt offerings to the Lord my God which cost me nothing. So David bought the threshing floor and the oxen for fifty shekels of silver.

The gift of the wise men

When the wise men saw the star of Jesus in the east, they hurriedly looked for him and presented him with gifts, gold, frankincense and myrrh, Matthew 2:1. Each of the gifts was different and had a different meaning and purpose. All were valuable to Jesus and the wise men also. They came from joyful hearts. It is wisdom that prompts the giver to give. It is by wisdom that the giver is able to truthfully assess his capacity and willingness to voluntarily give, the time and sometimes satisfying the receiver’s true need.

It is not a mere coincidence that the wise men gave the type of gifts to Jesus. First, the gifts satisfied the significance of their purposes. The gold signified the wealth and value of Jesus as a king. The frankincense signified Jesus’ sweet scent before God’s throne to receive his pleas for us. The myrrh signified Jesus’ preservation against sin, death and Satan. The totality of the gifts symbolized Jesus as a gift from God to us and for our redemption and to make us like him, precious, sweet and secure.

Jesus as a gift to the world

A gift is free but maintaining or preserving it is sometimes costly. It requires time, effort, commitment, resources and some knowledge. Jesus is God’s greatest and most valuable gift to the world. We cannot quantify or value salvation. Jesus’ blood, his life and sufferings for our redemption are also invaluable. Jesus said greater love has no man than this that a man lays down his life for his friend, John 15:13.

Jesus was and still is God’s most valuable reassure. He is God’s only son with whom he is well pleased. He is the only person without sin yet dwelt among sinners. He is the only one who sits at the right hand of God and has seen the Father. He is the only one who is one with the Father and ordained to receive honour and glory from God, 2 Peter 1:17. Jesus referring to himself as a gift to the world posed a question when he said, which is greater, the gift or the altar that makes the gift sacred, Matthew 23:19?  

Through Jesus, the world has received uncountable and immeasurable gifts of life that no mind can ever comprehend. Such gifts include diverse spiritual gifts, gifts of salvation or redemption, eternal life, gift of life and grace, and of healing and deliverance that cannot be obtained by money or any other means. In Acts 8:20 Simon the magician of Samaria, was amazed when saw Peter and John lay hands on people and instantly they fell and received the Holy Spirit. Simon the magician then offered money to receive the same gifts. Peter rebuked him and said to him, your silver perish with you, because you thought you could obtain the gift of God with money. Through Jesus, God has reconciled the world to himself.

Our gift to Jesus

Jesus is waiting for our gift as the wise men did and likewise what he has also done for the world. He requires nothing but your heart to dwell in it. It is the greatest and most valuable gift that we can give to God just as King David did. It must cost us to give a gift to God. David said again in Psalms 51:17 that the Lord will not reject a contrite and a broken heart. Jesus is waiting patiently. Do not miss this opportunity to give your most precious and costly gift to the King.


Lord Jesus, I dedicate my heart, the most precious and costly thing I have to you. Accept it for your purpose, honour and glory. In your precious name I pray. Amen!!

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