The Ten Commandments

Moses took the Ten Commandments from God at Mount Sinai. He however broke them when upon descending the mountain, he found the Israelites worshipping an idol. God however instructed him again to write the same for his people the Israelites which he did after fasting for forty days and nights without food or water, Exodus 32:19 and Exodus 34:28. It is also recorded in Deuteronomy 9:17 and 10:1-5. Moses availed himself as God’s channel to keep the Israelites in righteousness at the sacrifice of his comfort of food and drink. 

A serious request from God requires sacrifice of comfort. It calls for prayer and fasting as Moses did. Jesus did the same also and encouraged his disciples to do likewise. We can also help to straighten up the lives of others if we share their burdens by bringing the word of God to them. We must be concerned about the salvation of our neigbours just as Moses did for the Israelites. God’s word must instruct and lead us just as the Ten Commandments were God’s instructions to the people. However unlike what Moses did, we must not drop the word of God out of frustration but rather keep it.      

Moses’ countenance

Throughout the life of Moses, whenever he encountered God, he returned with his face and countenance shined and the people were afraid to come near him, Exodus 34:30-35. Moses put a veil on his face before he could speak to his people. The shining light that shone on the face of Moses was a reflection of God’s presence with him because God is light. God manifested as light in several instances. 

The people could not approach Moses with the light because of sin which has the mark of darkness. Light and darkness are not complementary but opponents. God is light and Satan is darkness. 

Although we may either not know or see the light on us, those in darkness see with fear. It is our protection from sin and the enemy. It is also our mark of identification and nationality in heaven with God. This is why Jesus is also the light of the world. Jesus also said we are the light of the world because of our walk with him. Everyone who walks with God receives that light as his mark of approval or identity. What we reflect is spiritual beyond us so we cannot hide it. We can however change it with a character change in accordance with God’s manual for life which is the bible.

The strength of Moses

From the date that God called Moses for his service, he did not renege but continued until his death. For his loyalty to God, he remained a friend of God till his passing. When the Israelites were at war with the people of Amalek, even in his old age whenever he lifted his hands his people defeated the enemies and whenever he lowered his hands his enemies prevailed. Though Moses was frail and weak, the Israelites made the most of him. They held his hand up until their enemies were defeated, Exodus 17:11-12. God does not deny his presence from his people nor disappoint his people but honours his word of promise. 

God makes us strong in our weakness because he is forever strong in all things. Physically we may be weak but spiritually we faint not. Lifting of Moses’ hands signified a prayer and absolute surrender to God and with that posture God was merciful. We need support from true and honest children of God when we are weak and God will always provide a way out. Lowering of Moses’ hands signified tiredness and giving up. We cannot be tired or give up on God or in his service. We must wait upon God until the battle is done however long it may take. God’s battles may not be swift but sometimes weary, long and frustrating yet sure in victory. All we need is trust, faith and patience. 


Dear Lord, help me to keep your word as my commandment. Help me to reflect on your countenance of peace and sacrifice. Give me your strength to see me through to the end that I may live. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen!!

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