The death of Moses  

Moses died at a ripe age of a hundred and twenty years old. Though the bible records that he died yet no one knows where and how he was buried, Deuteronomy 34:1-7. God did not allow his death place and burial to be known because the Israelites stood to fail the temptations of deifying Moses. God is a jealous God and cannot be rivaled. God knows our future trials, temptations and our strength so he protects us in advance from falling to sin. 

We must be careful that the legacies we leave behind after death for those after us do not serve as stumbling blocks to them and other generations unborn. A curse to one is a curse to all. A number of us engage our families, friends, congregants and members of our faith to idolize or deify persons, symbols, signs or materials which ruin our spirituality before God though accepted and appreciation by human wisdom and ingenuity. Christ, his blood and his cross supersede all. What may seem right to man may be wrong in God’s sight. We should always seek God’s approval for every step along the way.

Just as it is appointed unto man once to die, and thereafter face judgment so did Moses die. It is however comforting to observe that for the good works of Moses, he appeared at the transfiguration with Jesus which shows that he is alive with God. Those who die in the Lord live with him after death hence the righteous do not die. How we will spend eternity remains our choice. No matter how long we live on earth, we shall surely die one day. The only two choices are the broad or narrow way, the broad gate or narrow gate, the light or darkness, Jesus Christ or Satan. 

Many of us are very afraid to die either because we are not sure of eternity or that we dread leaving our wealth behind or that we are not ready to change in spite of God’s repeated caution to repent. Those who walk with God are not afraid to die because upon death they will be with God. They are sure of their unfailing coordinates to heaven. Although God told Moses that he will not enter the promised land, yet he was faithful to the end just as Apostle Paul was. Shall we also be alive after death? 


I pray dear Lord that the life of Moses your servant should guide me to have a closer walk with you always in obedience and reverence through Jesus Christ your only begotten son. Amen!!

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