Mode of God’s calling

We are all called by different modes, times, places, with different tasks and abilities, yet the same spirit of God. We must not envy another’s mode or type of calling because we are all one body of Christ with a common purpose under God’s instructions. It is by God’s grace that we are called with unique abilities or gifts for God’s assigned task to us. Some limited examples of the modes and types of God’s calling in the bible are discussed in this write up for our guidance.


His mode of call is appearance. In Genesis 17:1 we read that God appeared to Abraham. The appearance was not further explained. However biblical history confirms that appearance connotes an image, symbol or dream. God could have used any of them. What is important is that Abraham could distinguish God’s calling from others and so he was not deceived but he obeyed and it became a blessing to him. He was 99 years old when God appeared to him. This means there is no time bar or physical state for God’s calling. What is our state? We are still useful to God.  Are we ready?


David was called through God’s messenger called Samuel, 1 Samuel 16:1. It was not a direct call to David yet he obeyed Samuel. At the time of his calling, the human mind discounted him as relevant but God had his own purpose. David was so young that he did not qualify yet God used him. We must not look down on any person. To the young, let not anyone despise your youth, 1Timothy 4:12. God’s calling is without reference to age. Jesus said the stone that the builders rejected has been the head of the corner, Matthew 21:42, Mark 12:10; Luke 20:17; Acts 4:11; 1 Peter 2:7. Rather let us show ourselves approved of God, 2 Timothy 2:15. God can call us through others irrespective of age.  


God called Samuel by a still small voice, 1 Samuel 3:4. He was devoted and dedicated to God from infancy. He did not have a place to sleep so he slept in the temple. It was not the best of comfort. He did not complain and he did not biologically belong to the priestly family of Eli by blood. He was just a servant to Eli the priest. He was called by voice in the night. God can call us any time and no matter our circumstances. Our status in life is not relevant to God. It is our willingness to serve that matters. Do we sometimes hear God’s voice calling, directing or speaking to us? Have we discerned rightly? Are we attentive to God’s clear voice? It is not a feeling or guesswork. 


Jacob calling was through a dream, Genesis 32:26. When he woke up, it was real so he wrestled with the angel to bless him. Dreams are forms the Lord communicates with us. Not all dreams however mean God’s messages to us. We have to distinguish God’s dream from physical dream.  Sometimes it appears God physically touches us or wakes us up to pray at night. We must not be lazy when God calls in your dream, especially to pray. Acts 2:17 says in the last days your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams by God’s spirit. What is the nature of our dreams?  


Moses’ calling was by a burning bush followed by God’s voice. It was a combination of a sign and a voice, Exodus 3:2-10. God still uses signs and voice to call those he wants to engage in his vineyard. At the time Moses was a fugitive for murder. The place of his call was in the bush and secluded. He was tending his sheep when he was called. God calls us when he wants at any time and any location. God is not stopped by your past records or history or what we may be engaged in at the time of his call. Moses’ call was during the day. God can call us in the night or day and we must be ready to obey. Moses’ excuses did not stop God. God provided Aaron to support Moses. No matter what we are engaged in now, God can call us by his direct voice and signs for his task.  Do we have excuses like Moses? 


Jonah was called by the word, Jonah 1:2. He was finally called by trials, Jonah2:1. The passage did not explain how the word came to him. It could be by any other mode. The call by trial was when he got swallowed by the whale in an attempt to escape by ship. God has the capacity to arrest us by the Holy Spirit when we attempt to flee. He can also cause calamities to befall us. He is the creator and all elements listen to and obey his voice. Anytime we face trials and temptations or challenges or calamities, God has something to say. We cannot run or hide from God. We will end up in challenges. 


Dear Lord, my circumstance or situation cannot disqualify me from your service nor be an excuse to decline your call. Call and use me however you please and let me be useful for you, Amen!! 

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