God calls us by name and circumstance that is peculiar to the challenges he wants us to resolve. God does not use one approach for all cases. God also does not assign all of us to the same type of task.  Biblical examples point to these facts.


He saw God’s words, Amos 1:1. The mode was not clearly spelt out. It could probably be a vision. God gives us the gift of vision to see his writings and to read his messages. He gives us spiritual eyes for those he wants to use for that purpose. Paul says we must desire spiritual gifts, 1 Corinthians 14:1. It must however be used for the work of God. We must pray for knowledge and wisdom to also handle God’s gifts. If God decides to call us by vision, he will enable you to see and read what he has for us. We must not be anxious because it will not change anything. We must patiently wait for God’s mode of calling us.

Jeremiah and Isaiah

They belonged to the prophetic family and received their calling by conviction through the Holy Spirit. Through close association with God’s service many have received their calling by conviction of God. The conviction is through the heart and sometimes it is irresistibly strong and compelling. Do we have a strong urge for Jesus? We must pray about it and God will confirm it. Some have tested it by the fleece approach. If we abide in Christ and him in us, whatever we ask in the name of Jesus shall be done unto us, John 15:7. The work of God is not for business as we see in recent times. Paul, reacting to Simon’s request to buy the Holy Spirit to perform signs and wonders said his money perished with him, Acts 8:20

Jesus’ disciples

They were called by the Master himself directly by word of mouth and in his physical presence, Matthew 4:18. Their backgrounds did not matter to God but their character of determination, resilience and humility. Jesus continues to call many by voice and has shown himself to many today. He used the downtrodden and rejected in society for his purpose, 1 Corinthians 1:27. The foolishness of God is wiser than men, 1 Corinthians 1:25. Majority of the disciples were illiterates yet performed unimaginably better than us today. The measure is the extent of God’s influence in our lives. Do we want to see Jesus? Are we ready? Jesus is waiting and will call us sooner than we ever think or expect.


God called Paul then called Saul was called through an encounter with a bright light, Acts 9:3-6. Jesus followed it up with voice instructions. He was called on the way to Damascus on the street or highway. He was blinded in addition. The area of God’s calling is not material as his purpose. God calls us when he needs us. God can use any of the modes or a combination of them. Our heinous past is not a barrier to God. Sometimes our character determines the task God assigns us. Paul was very knowledgeable and stubborn so he was called to minister to his kind. He said nothing can separate him from the love of Christ, neither death nor life, Romans 8:35-39. Let us tell Jesus to strengthen us against the odds.

Men of God

Some also receive their calling through pronouncement from men moved by the Holy Spirit, 2 Peter 1:21. These men make pronouncements on the calling based on the directions of the Holy Spirit which may have been received through any of the modes of calling but usually by vision, dream or voice communication. This is a very tempting area and potential minefield for failures because of our subjective influence. Are we careful to receive God’s clear directions not based on hallucinations, feelings, human sentiments, likes, taste or preference? God’s calling is not subject to human preferences but by prayer and fasting. This was the case of Matthias when Judas had to be replaced, Acts 1:23-26. Let us pray to revive the old rugged way to the old rugged cross.

How do we know we are ready?

Paul answers this question in Jude 1:20-23. He says build yourselves up on your most holy faith; pray in the Holy Spirit; keep yourselves in the love of God; wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. And convince some, who doubt; save some, but snatching them out of fire; on some have mercy with fear, hating even the garment spotted by the flesh. The Lord will bless and keep us and prepare us for his calling in Christ Jesus.


Dear Lord Jesus, teach me to know and distill your voice when you call. Prepare me to accept your task anywhere at any time of your choosing. I am yours and you are mine. Thank you Jesus, Amen!!

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