Jesus’ enemies wanted him dead. When Jesus died, they thought all was over. It was rather the beginning of our eternal victory in Christ Jesus. 

The death of Jesus

The bible says Jesus yielded up his spirit, Mathew 27: 50. The spirit is that part of God in us which he breathed into Adam and Adam became a living soul. Upon death the spirit goes back to God without judgment but the soul is judged because of sin. Jesus yielded his spirit to God and God gave it back to him after the third day because he had no sin. The spirit does not die because it remains part of God and does not sin. Jesus said whoever loses his life for my sake will find it, Matthew 16:25; Mark 8:35; Luke 9:24. The spirit rather cautions us always against sin.  We have to obey God’s voice always.

Jesus did not yield his soul. The spirit is different from the soul.  The soul is the spiritual being of man which will face God’s judgment after death. The bible says the soul that sins shall die, Ezekiel 18:4, 20. Jesus did not sin so his soul did not die. It is the soul that can be killed or destroyed, Matthew 10:28 or be made sorrowful, Matthew 26:38. In order to save our soul from death, Jesus said we should love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength, Mark 12:30. God will call back his spirit from us one day. No one knows when any way. We must however be ready. There will be no more advance notice. This is the appointed time to prepare and be ready to yield the borrowed spirit to its owner. All lives have an end and what matters is where we will go from here. Will we also like Jesus gain our spirit back in eternity? This is frightening. Heaven and hell fire are real. 

Jesus is truly the son of God

After Jesus had died and the signs and wonders had followed, the by-standers said, truly he is the son of God, Matthew 27:54; Mark 15:39. This was a confession of the Centurion and those around him. It was a confession by conviction and of truth. We cannot resist the Holy Spirit when he convicts us. It is the Holy Spirit that reveals the truth to mankind, Matthew 16:17. They confessed what they had seen and believed that day. Jesus said blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe, John 20:29

The security presence was not enough to deter the truth. Let us not be afraid of earthly security against the truth. We must rather fear the one who after he has killed us has power to cast us into hell, Luke 12:5. Let us speak and die with the truth. We have God’s sufficient grace to see us through. Matthew 17:5 says this is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him. Luke 9:35 says this is my Son, my Chosen; listen to him. Mark 9:7 says this is my beloved Son; listen to him.  

The tomb of Jesus

When Jesus died, he was placed in a fresh tomb. The tomb did not belong to Jesus but rather Joseph of Arimathea who was also a disciple of Jesus, Mathew 27:57; Mark 15:43; Luke 23:50-53; John 19:38. He also brought a linen shroud to wrap Jesus. Nicodemus brought a mixture of myrrh and aloes worth a hundred pounds’ weight, John 19:39. Other women also prepared spices and ointments, Luke 23:56. All these were to preserve Jesus’ body. The tomb was very expensive yet for the sake of Christ, he gave it up. 

Others brought materials to embalm Jesus. That was what they had so they equally sacrificed the little they had. Nothing from a sincere heart is too small in God’s sight. Jesus commended the widow’s penny she gave to God which came from a sincere heart of love, Mark 12:42-43. When was the last time we give something of value or what we cherish to Jesus? Joseph and the others did not expect ant returns from a dead man. It is more blessed to give than to receive, Acts 20:35. What Jesus wants from us is our hearts. Jesus gave us his life for it is the greatest of love a man can give to his friend, John 15:13. Jesus told others to sell what they had, give it to the poor and come and follow him but they were sorrowful, Matthew 19:21-22. We should not be sad when we have to give what we have to Jesus.


Lord Jesus, I present to you my heart to be your dwelling place. It is the most precious gift I have. Come in and give me life in your holy name, Amen!! 

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