Jesus was crucified on the cross by nailing, Matthew 27: 35, Mark 15:24; Luke 23:33; John 19:18. Jesus was crucified with only three nails. His two hands were nailed separately with a nail each. However his two feet were nailed together, one placed on the other with a single nail. Why were the nails three?

Jewish mythology of three

In Jewish culture and mythology, the number three had great significance. It was believed to be a perfect number which had spiritual significance. In Greek mythology, man also consisted of three parts namely the body, soul and spirit. To the Jews, the soul consisted of three parts, the breath, the spirit and the repose. The number three also stood for harmony, wisdom and understanding; God’s three distinct qualities, omniscience, omnipotence and omnipresence; and that time itself was divided into three, the past, present and future. 

Jewish historical events before Christ

Jewish historical events where the number three appeared significant are many. Examples are where Moses stretched out his hands in Egypt and caused darkness for three days, darkness over Egypt, Exodus 10:22-23. Israel wandered in the wilderness of Shur for three days without water, Exodus 15:22. It took Israel three days to prepare for Passover Jordan to take possession of the promised land, Joshua 1:11. Those sent to spy Canaan hid for three days in the hills before escaping, Joshua 2:16, 22. Jonah was swallowed three days and nights in the belly of the whale, Jonah 2: 1. It took Jonah three days to return to Nineveh, Jonah 3:3. There are many more examples.

Recorded events during and after Christ

Jesus was presumed lost at childhood but found after three days in the temple, Luke 2:46. Jesus fed the hungry crowd out of compassion after they had been with him for three days, Matthew 15:32; Mark 8:2. Jesus prophesied he would die and rise in three days, Mark 8:31, 9:31; John 2:19. Jesus’ trial went through three stages; trial before Annas, John 13:13; Caiaphas, John 18:24; and Pilate, Luke 23:1. Apostle Paul was without site for three days and neither ate nor drank, Acts 25:1

Purpose of the three nails

The three nails were consistent with Jewish mythology, culture and reported history. To those who crucified Jesus, the three nails were to invoke a positive omen. It meant their agenda would be a perfect and permanent success and that Jesus’s ministry was decapitated perpetually. These were harmonious with their culture, wisdom to their leaders and rulers, and understood and accepted by their people. 

By their belief, each nail was God’s seal of approval by his three distinct natures which transcended time either in the past, present and future. By their omen of three, they had cast Jesus’ prophecy to resurrect in darkness just as Moses cast Egypt into darkness in Egypt. Jesus’ followers were therefore expected to be marooned and dry just as Israel wandered in the wilderness without water. They believed Jesus was swallowed just as Jonah was swallowed in the belly of the whale for three days and nights.  

Jesus’ nail wounds in Jesus’ hands

Jesus had nail wounds in his two hands. By the wounds, Jesus died on the cross and God has given all power in heaven, earth and beneath the earth into his hands, John 3:35. By his strengthened hands, he leads us like blind men away from darkness into his marvelous light. With his bleeding open hands he is ready to receive us with love. His strengthened hands guide us with his rod and staff as a good shepherd. He has given power to our hands by his Holy Spirit to also pray for one another, heal the sick, cast out demons, anoint the weak, raise the dead, perform miracles, and prophecy in his name.

We are able to lay hands on the afflicted without haste in his name, 1 Timothy 5:22.  Jesus has made our hands holy through his bleeding hands so Paul desires that at every place we pray lifting holy hands without anger or quarrel, 1Timothy 2: 8. However, these gifts are not for sale, Acts 8:18-19. By the hand wounds, we are able to work with our cleansed hands by the blood of Christ Jesus, 1 Thessalonians 4:11. He was nailed to the cross till he died so his love and sacrifice for us is without end till life is no more. 

Jesus’ nail wounds in Jesus’ feet

Jesus’ foot was nailed one on the other bleeding. Jesus in effect had only one foot pictorially. It shows Jesus carries us in times of trouble. He wants us to trace his only footstep and walk the only path he walked. It seemed to show Jesus was the only one ordained to carry our burden of sin and shame. He was re-emphasizing that there is only one way to heaven which is through him, John 14:6. He was calling us to cast our burden on him because he cares, 1 Peter 5:7. It was also a charge on us to carry one another’s burden and to share one another’s burden in love, John 13:35; 15:12, 17

Jesus’ blood poured from one foot over the other. His blood continues to pour on us washing and cleansing us from our sins, transgressions and iniquities till eternity. We cannot mock the footsteps of God’s anointed, Psalms 89:50-51. The Lord was leading in righteousness with his footsteps as the way, Psalms 85:13. We need the cleansing blood of the Lamb of God from his wounds. Let us draw near to God and he will draw near to us to cleanse us, James 4:8. If we are ready, he will cleanse us from all unrighteousness, 1 John 1:9. Let his blood purify our conscience from dead works, Hebrews 9:14.  


Lord Jesus, you are the only one ordained to save us. Wash and cleanse us with your blood from your wounds. In your open hands receive and bear us up from deceiving ways. Thank you Lord, Amen!!

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