Since creation, man has always tried to either understand or unravel the works of God. This is because a number of events elude natural wisdom, logic or reasoning. Many questions remain unanswered. That is why they are called mysteries. The more we try to understand, the more we become confused, frustrated and tired. A number of us give up even in life because we lack answers. 

In our quibbling, we look for quick fix answers. We give in to concocted fables, theories and doctrines using culture, tradition, science, philosophy, education and other exposures including strange and unapproved spiritual sacrileges. These are not helpful but rather destroy us in the end. Our approaches may seem right to us but its end could result in death, Proverbs 14:12.  All things may be lawful, but all things may not be expedient or edifying, 1 Corinthians 10:23.

Some examples

The events include the nature of God; how the world was formed; the composition of man and our lives; the spiritual world and spiritual beings; death and life hereafter; and other physical global challenges such as wars, famine and natural disasters. 

Why we have failed

For lack of wisdom and knowledge, man throughout the ages has failed to demystify some events or occurrences. Although God has created us in his image, yet we do not measure up to him. We seek answers from the wrong sources. Mysteries are hidden things which we do not understand. God is the architect of the very events we seek to unravel and he only has the answers. 

Isaiah 48:6 says from this time forth I will make you hear new things, hidden things which you have not known. Psalms 19:12 says but who can discern his errors? Clear me from hidden faults. We lack and do not seek wisdom from God, James 1:5. We lack experience or understanding, Job 12:12. We pride in our limited knowledge without God’s intervention, Matthew 11:25. We do not seek knowledge of what God has hidden in darkness with the right heart, 1 Corinthians 4:5

Paul calls the servants of Christ as stewards of the mysteries of God, 1 Corinthians 4:1. We are too proud and elevate ourselves as gods. We think we have infinite knowledge and are wise as God, Ezekiel 28:2.  We say to God, depart from us! We do not desire the knowledge of thy ways, Job 21:14. It is a fool who says in his heart that there is no God, Psalms 14:1; 53:1.    

Some say our reference to God is defeatist. However, it is the truth and we tell it as such because whoever knows what is right to do and fails to do it, for him is sin, James 4:17. We are God’s creation and our manual of life is the bible which does not go wrong so let us not deceive ourselves.    

How to unravel mysteries

It is knowledge of the truth that makes us free, John 8:32. Knowing and accepting our handicap as discussed above is a step in the right direction. Psalms 119:160 says the sum of thy (God) word is true. Proverbs 23:23 says buy truth, and do not sell it; buy wisdom, instruction, and understanding. As God’s servants, the only pleasing words we can write is the truth based on God’s word, Ecclesiastics 12:10.

The world hates those who speak the truth, Amos 5:10. Isaiah says the truth has fallen in the public squares and uprightness cannot enter, Isaiah 59:14. It is the Lord who gives wisdom, Proverbs 2:6. Accordingly, Solomon asked for wisdom, 2 Chronicles 1:10. God gave it to him in abundance 1 Kings 4:29; 5:12. With wisdom, we can begin to appreciate God’s awesomeness as omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. We cannot do without him as the creator and owner of the universe.  

Biblical truths

The Lord said to Daniel that knowledge shall increase in the last days, Daniel 12:4. We see an explosion of knowledge as never before in our days in this generation. Years back, it was said there are only nine planets but today we know there are many more and still counting. It is said the world was flat but today we know it is spherical. Visits to space including the moon, mass, and other planets are possible today. God does not go by our logic but by his own logic the knowledge of which resolves all complexities.

God is the missing puzzle in the mysteries of life. By nature we are incomplete without God’s direction. We are found wanting knowledge and wisdom without Jesus Christ. If any lacks wisdom, let him ask God who gives freely, James 1:5.    


Lord Jesus, guide us with your knowledge, wisdom and understanding that we may understand the mysteries of life as your children. In your holy name I pray, Amen!!

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