It was not by mere coincidence that great leaders of Israel associated with Egypt throughout the ages. The association was by God’s design and it was a blessing for Christianity.  Rather than despising Egypt as a land of the heathen, God used the land as a source of blessing for the Israelites. 

Land of vision

Egypt had a national vision which was respected by all its successive leaders. By this they were consistent and a disciplined society. God meant Egypt to be a temporary shelter for Joseph, Moses and Jesus at different times. Joseph lost this vision and continued in Egypt till death. Moses also lost the vision until he became a fugitive. Joseph’s family also failed to return after the famine. We are often blinded by temporary comfort so we lose our spiritual vision. Under God, even the sparrow finds a home and a nest where she may lay her young, Psalms 84:3

Jesus’ parents did not vacate their vision so left Egypt on God’s instructions. Jesus’ vision flourished in Israel and we are beneficiaries today. Examples of doyens of faith who did not exchange their vision for temporary comfort include Abraham, Genesis 12:1; David, 1 Samuel 19:1-2; Apostle Paul, Acts 9:5-6; and Jesus’ disciples. Jesus in Egypt meant to focus on our vision with God. Let us draw near to God in order to maintain our vision. James 4:8 says draw near to God and he will draw near to you.

Land of cultures

Egypt was a land of hospitality accordingly it was host to many cultures and trade. The mix of cultures and skills from elsewhere made Egypt the central place for knowledge and tolerance. Both Joseph and Moses became beneficiaries of the product of convergence. Egypt’s historical edifices attest to volumes. 

Jesus in Egypt was not by coincidence but a spiritual confirmation that he was the alpha and omega of knowledge. In Christ Jesus is the fountain of knowledge. Just as Egypt was one great source of knowledge, so is Jesus the only source of heavenly knowledge. In Christ Jesus we all converge for salvation in faith. Jesus said come to me all that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest, Matthew 11:28.  Jesus wants us to adopt his culture of love and peace and we must be ready. 

Land of God’s grace

Egypt was not a place of Jewish religion or worship yet it was a thriving society. God made Egypt so for his purpose, to attend to the needs of his people. Egypt prospered at any time his children needed assistance including escape from imminent death. Egypt satisfied the needs of Joseph, Moses and Jesus at different times by divine arrangement. We prosper and are protected by God’s grace not by our physical nature so God should be glorified. 

Jesus in Egypt was to show that God does not discriminate among men. Jesus is associated with both believers and unbelievers. God said to Peter in a trance in Joppa, what God has cleansed let no man call unclean, Acts 10:15. The Lord makes poor and makes rich; he brings low, he also exalts, 1 Samuel 2:7; Proverbs 22:2. Jesus said whatever you ask in my name, I will do it, that the Father may be glorified in the son, John 13:32. It is from God’s fullness that we have all received grace upon grace, John 1:16. Will we continue to despise others as unclean in any measure? Let us not look down on anybody.

Land of darkness

Egypt was a land of spiritual darkness. It entertained the worship of idols. It oppressed and enslaved the poor even prior to Joseph’s arrival. Their focus was on earthly pleasures and materialism. By their military strength of horses, chariots and strong men they oppressed the weak. Joseph and Moses however remained steadfast in faith with God. 

Jesus’ encounter with Egypt brought light to Egypt’s darkness. The bible says the people who sat in darkness have seen a great light, Matthew 4:16. Jesus as the light of the world lit our world of darkness, John 8:12; 9:5. We must not remain in darkness in the abundance of light. Come to Jesus the light. 

Christ Jesus’ vision

Jesus’ parents maintained their vision for Jesus and focused on God. Under God’s vision we can make it to success anywhere. Let us not be envious of one another but to do the will of God under God’s vision given to us. 

At an early age, Jesus was presumed lost and when he was found in the temple after three days sitting with the elders and teachers, he said did you not know that I must be in my Father’s house, Luke 2:46-49? God wants us to move from our temporary comfort zones we call Egypt to where he has ordained for us. Let us pray for God’s power to know where he wants us to be.    


Dear Lord, give me the grace to know and appreciate why you have placed me where I am so that I may submit to your will and purpose in Christ Jesus, Amen!!

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