The Bible has named and identified two people who were called the friend of God, Moses and Abraham. We are either a friend of God or not. A friend loves at all times, Proverbs 17:17. Some pretend, others stick closer than a brother, Proverbs 18:24. Pretenders are not friends because their friendship is conditional. 

Moses a friend of God

Exodus 33: 11 says the Lord used to speak to Moses face to face as a man speaks to his friend. A friend of God sees God when he needs to but a servant does not. A friend has instant and direct conversation with God. A friend can persuade God whilst a servant has to submit a petition. A friend shares ideas or proposals with God whilst a servant takes instructions from God. Although in both cases, God may or may not favour a request, God would usually answer the friend favourably. 

In Exodus 7:1 God said to Moses, I make you as God to Pharaoh. God thus raised Moses from a servant to his friend and gave him all the powers to succeed before Pharaoh and for his mission. God’s servants do not have this elevation or promotion but his authority. Although Moses was elevated, he did not count himself equal with God but considered himself as a servant. Jesus also though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God as a thing to be grasped, Philippians 2:6.

Abraham a friend of God

In James 2: 23 Abraham is referred to as a friend of God based on his belief in God which was reckoned as righteousness. A friend of God shares common identity and culture with God which is righteousness. In Abraham’s case he showed absolute or blind faith and culture of obedience. He was ready to make an absolute sacrifice of all he had, his son to the Lord. Jesus said greater love has no man than a man should lay down his life for his friends, John 15:13. We must be ready to sacrifice our hearts for Jesus.

Abraham showed what Jesus called the greatest love. He maintained true friends at the most awkward time and request. Such unrestrained readiness to help is what Jesus referred to in Luke 11:5-18. The elevated status solely comes from God but we have the opportunity of working it out to achieve that recognition by grace. 

Servants of old

We sometimes interchange or confuse a friend of God with a servant of God. The two are different and distinct titles. In the Old Testament one became a servant of God when he submitted to God through confession of sin, acknowledged God and availed himself to be used by God, 2 Chronicles 6:26-27. Jeremiah said in Jeremiah 14:29 we acknowledge our wickedness, O Lord, and the iniquity of our fathers, for we have sinned against thee. 

Sin not confessed disqualifies us as either servants or friends of God. God said whoever has sinned against me, him will I blot out of my book, Exodus 32:23. Friendship of the Lord is for those who fear him, and he makes known his covenants, Psalms 25:14. Fearing God means reverencing and honouring God. God’s covenant is his arranged will including the bible.  

Friends of Jesus

In the New Testament the criteria for friendship is different. With Jesus we are no longer under the law but under God’s grace through the Holy Spirit. Confession and acceptance is through Jesus Christ, 1 John 1:9. We are then born again or anew in Christ by the Holy Spirit through faith. Jesus said do not marvel that I said to you, you must be born anew, John 3:7. Upon being born again or anew or afresh, we become friends of Jesus, Matthew 26:50. He said I call you no longer servants but friends, John 15:15.   

Maintaining God’s friendship

Jesus said you are my friends if you do what I have commanded you, John 15:14. We however lose the friendship if we become friends with the world, James 4:4. Making friends with the world is a betrayal, Psalms 41:9. Our friends reflect our character. We must not be equally yoked with sinners, 2 Corinthians 6:14. This means we must not do what unbelievers do though they may be our friends. Sinners were friends of Jesus yet he did not sin, Matthew 11:19; Mark 2:16; Luke 5:30.  

God is interested in maintaining the relationship whatever it is. Jesus said in John 10:29 that his Father who has given us to him is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch us out of the Father’s hand. What relationship do you want to maintain with God through Christ Jesus? Whatever relationship we ask in the name of Christ Jesus shall be done unto us, John 14:13-14


Father in heaven, we desire to be your friends as well as friends of Jesus so help us to succeed through the trials and temptations. In the blessed name of Jesus Christ we pray, Amen!!

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