In returning to our original possession as God has ordained, the prophet Joshua has amply set out the processes for us as God wants it.  This is found in the book of Joshua Chapter 22 in a form of a charge for the people of Israel and it applies to us as Christians today if we believe in God’s manual of life, the bible.

Our attitude during possession

In the above biblical reference, the tribes of Israel had kept the commandments of Moses and that of Joshua. They had also kept and maintained the worthy company of their brethren. They had successfully undertaken the wars which God had directed. After these battles, Joshua was divinely inspired to say that it was time for them to return to their possession. 

From the biblical reference of our study, it can be said with confidence that the people of Israel had kept faith with God. They had done what was right in God’s sight. They had obeyed the words and instructions of their leaders that God appointed for them. They had subjected their battles to God’s commands and discipline.  These events were counted as faithfulness, trust worthiness and obedience to God. They were thus found worthy to take or resume only their God given possession. 

We cannot take our possession without pleasing God, without God’s instruction or without God’s approval. We cannot also take possession of what is not ours or what God has not given to us. We take possession only after we have done what God requires of us to be done. After Paul had done what was required of him by God to be done, he said in 2 Timothy 4:7 that I have fought a good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith and I am awaiting for my crown which I would have. Paul satisfied the condition precedent to taking an everlasting or eternal possession. What about us?

Joshua’s charge to God’s people

Joshua admonished his people that they must be vigilant to keep the word. Impliedly, to keep possession is to keep God’s word. Any deviation from God’s word will result in losing the God given inheritance or possession. Possession was and still is a conditional offer from God which includes loving God; walking in his ways; keeping his commandments; cleaving to God; serving God with all our hearts and with all our souls, Joshua 22:5

Joshua’s charge to Israel in Deuteronomy 6:5 was as follows; you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might. This was the national philosophy of Israel based on God’s covenant with his people. It was also to demonstrate their appreciation and gratitude to God. In Matthew 22:37; Mark 12:30 Jesus affirmed this charge as the greatest of the commandments with a rendition or exposition to also love thy neighbor as thyself. Jesus meant we are God’s possession. If we accept this fact, then we cannot live for ourselves but for Jesus.

God’s blessing for repossession

In Joshua 22:6 we read that Joshua blesses them and sends them back unto their tents. Without dispute their respective tents or dwellings were theirs and could return to them without restraint yet they received Joshua’s blessings before departing to repossess their tents. Every possession of ours must receive God’s blessing before we take over.

Not all possessions are blessed by God or will bring blessing to us. Some may destroy us in many forms and it takes only God’s blessing to neutralize the destructive forces inherent in or associated with them. Some possessions are begotten from demonic rituals, bloodshed, human sacrifice, blood covenant, fraud, theft, and other tainted activities.  Are we facing any challenges or curses from or with any possession acquired or inherited or in our custody, management or control? 

Is the possession we intend to repossess worthy of God’s approval? Will it qualify us for heaven through Jesus Christ our Lord? Let us think with heavenly wisdom prior to seeking wealth or possession otherwise the same possession would destroy us. Life in Christ is more precious than earthly wealth.


Lord Jesus, we submit to you all that we wish to repossess. Assess it and give us only what will enrich our relationship with you and only be a blessing to us. In your blessed name we pray, Amen!!

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