In Exodus 3, God instructed Moses to go and bring the Israelites or Jews out of slavery in Egypt. The Israelites had been in slavery in Egypt for over 400 years from the time of Joseph whom his brothers sold into slavery but rose to be an overseer in Egypt. 

In Exodus 5, Moses accompanied by his brother Aaron, approached Pharaoh King of Egypt with God’s request repeatedly saying as God instructed, Let my people go. However, Pharaoh declined the requests but demanded obnoxious conditions which Moses could not satisfy. Dissatisfied with Pharaoh’s obstinate behaviour, God in Exodus 7-12 inflicted Pharaoh, his family and the entire land of Egypt with ten plagues in succession upon each refusal. Pharaoh succumbed to God’s demand upon the plague. 

What is a plague?

It is a calamity which is described as an act of God or attributed to God. It manifests in large-scale disaster including sicknesses or diseases; deaths; famine; fire; earthquake; floods; or destructions affecting or threatening the purity of water bodies, land, air and life or its survival or livelihood. It is sometimes interchanged with pestilence; or mayhem. It is a destabilizing physical and spiritual force in the affairs of mankind. It is an inexplicable or abnormal negative or unfortunate phenomenon or occurrence; hence it is attributable to God as the Almighty.   

Significance of a plague

It signifies God’s anger or displeasure against man for disobedience.  It shows God’s punishment or fury. It shows God’s unrestrained wrath or emotion to inflict pain for unrepentant wrongs. It demonstrates God’s superiority over mankind or his control of the universe or the world. It is God’s objection against unrighteousness. It signifies judgment against a wrongdoer. It serves as a deterrent to others of the future or a repeat wrongdoing against God’s will. It signifies a visitation of evil in place of divine protection.   

Pharaoh’s terms and conditions

God’s simple demand to Pharaoh was, let my people go and worship me in the wilderness. Pharaoh wanted a quid pro quo. Moses went forth and back from Pharaoh to God upon one lie after the other from Pharaoh. Moses obeyed God any time God sent him to Pharaoh with the same message, let my people go. For how long was God going to be dribbled by Pharaoh with lies and how did Moses feel? 

A walk or a relationship with God requires trust and patience. We must pray when we wait on God’s promise or instructions, Exodus 8:30. God works with his own time and for his own purpose. God’s purpose for the delay was to show Pharaoh and Egypt his power to glorify His name, Exodus 9:15-16. God allowed evil of lies and deceit to be exhausted before he acted, Exodus: 9:27-28; 34.  We are also in the habit of saying yes to God only in times of crises and need His urgent help. 

Pharaoh wanted to recognize God at his own time and chose when he said in Exodus 5:2, who is the Lord, that I should heed his voice and let Israel go? He did not believe God to give him a replacement for Israel’s cheap labour so he said in Exodus 5:4-5, why do you take the people away from their work? He believed he was subject to only his decisions so he said pay no regard to their lying words, Exodus 5:9. He warned that further request to release the Israelites would be met with stiffer punishment, Exodus 5: 11-15. He believed himself to be the sole authority Exodus 5:17 so he said, to the Israelites you are idle, you are idle; therefore you say, let us go and sacrifice to the Lord. Pride goes before fall.

Pharaoh’s false convictions

Pharaoh did not recognize God’s miracles because his magicians did the same miracles by their secret arts. Satan also performs as a deceitful angel of light. However God was superior and supreme. Exodus 8:15 says when Pharaoh saw that there was a respite he hardened his heart against God’s request. Pharaoh wanted Israel to sacrifice to God on his condition so he said in Exodus 8:25-28 go, sacrifice to your God within the land and if in the wilderness, only you shall not go very far away. Rather than obeying God, some of us equally set our own conditions for God or by a quid pro quo arrangement. 

Varying God’s terms

Pharaoh unilaterally varied God’s request. He said in Exodus 10:8-11 go, serve the Lord your God; but who are to go? No! Go, the men among you, and serve the Lord, for that is what you desire. In order to further his economic agenda for Egypt, Pharaoh said in Exodus 10:24-27 go, serve the Lord; your children also may go with you; only let your flocks and your herds remain behind. Moses did not compromise God’s request. Do we compromise as such or place our economic agenda above God?

Pharaoh issued death threats for God’s request. He said in Exodus 10:28-29, get away from me; take heed to yourself; never see my face again; for in the day you see my face you shall die. Exodus 12:31-33 says he summoned Moses and Aaron by night and said, rise up, go forth from among my people, both you and the people of Israel; and go, serve the Lord, as you have said. Later, Pharaoh rather asked for God’s blessing without repentance or forgiveness, Exodus 12:32. Blessings only come with repentance which must not be in secret.

Those who God redeemed out of Pharaoh’s slavery numbered about six hundred thousand men besides women and children; and mixed multitude and very many cattle, both flocks and herds, Exodus 12:37-38. How many lives have we touched for Christ Jesus? The Lord went before them by day in a pillar of cloud to lead them along the way, and by night a pillar of fire to give them light, that they might travel by day and by night; the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night did not depart from before the people, Exodus 13:21. The Lord leads us by day and night with his light so fear not, only believe.     


Our Father in heaven, it is our prayer that you will graciously give us the conscience to accept our guilt; the humility to ask for forgiveness; and an obedient heart to accede to your will in the blessed name of Christ Jesus our risen Lord, Amen!!

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