In the books of Matthew 9: 20-22; Mark 5: 25-34 and Luke 8: 43-48 a woman who had had a flow of blood for twelve years and could not be healed by physicians pulled through a multitude to touch the fringe of Jesus’ garments and had instant healing. Jesus then asked who touched me. Peter who saw the multitude touching Jesus said it could be any of those people but Jesus replied he perceived that power had gone forth from him. The woman owned up trembling and Jesus said to her, daughter, your faith had made you well; go in peace. 

Jesus’ power flows into us when we have a relationship with him. His power then overcomes our afflictions, infirmities, diseases and all our imperfections. The woman suffered the ordeal for 12 years. Physicians tried their best to cure her but failed. However with a simple touch of Jesus’ garments in faith she received instant healing. Not every medical condition or affliction can be cured by medical science or man except by God’s intervention through Christ Jesus who is the ultimate and God’s final authority. 

How can we be healed?

Mark 9: 29 says this kind cannot be driven out by anything but prayer. Matthew 19: 26; Mark 10: 27 says with men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible. Jesus said, Abba, Father, all things are possible to thee; remove this cup from me; yet not what I will, but what thou wilt. The summary of these statements mean God can intervene if we acknowledge him and pray. Medical knowledge is limited but God’s knowledge is infinite. Doctors administer cure but Jesus administers healing. 

The age of a medical challenge or affliction or situation is no barrier to Jesus. He does not require money from us but faith and trust in him. Matthew 11: 28 says come to me all who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Medical science must be backed with prayer for God’s intervention. We must go to Jesus when we are overwhelmed with challenges because that is why he came and died for us. It is not the quantum of resources we have but the quality of heart with Jesus that matters. 

The capacities of doctors

Doctors do not claim to know about all our medical conditions. They are humble to admit this fact. Their knowledge is from God in order to assist us with temporary cure in times of medical need. Their knowledge is limited to an infinitesimal working of only the body. Matters beyond the body are not part of the science of medicine. Jesus has full knowledge of the body and beyond and operates in the spirit because we are primarily spiritual beings created in God’s image. 

Jeremiah 1: 5 says before we were even formed, God knew us. The Father of all spirits thus instructs our spirit in the spirit realm not in material form and that is what gives us life and restoration, Hebrews 12: 9. Only God controls wisdom and knowledge hidden from the foundations of the world. We must seek medical attention with prayer because we cannot replace or substitute God. God works through doctors to complete their work. We should not give up on our medical conditions until Jesus says so. We must just reach out and touch his garments in faith and his power will rejuvenate us to our joy. 

The garments of Jesus

Jesus’ garments stood for his identity and image which accompanied him wherever he went as part of his clothing. Everything about Jesus is as potent, powerful and a blessing to us and that is enough for us. When we also touch anything about Jesus Christ, we will instantly receive the same total healing and restoration. John 14: 14 says if you ask anything in my name, I will do it. John 16: 23 also says if you ask anything of the Father, he will give it to you in my name. The woman was meditating with a positive attitude of faith when she was contemplating touching Jesus’ garments. With a similar attitude we can connect with Jesus and thereby receive his power in us.

We can also reach out and touch the garments of Jesus Christ through his words in the bible; his instructions, promises and assurances; the work of his true prophets, teachers and pastors; the prayer of his righteous and chosen; exercising faith and belief in him; living a righteous life; a life of prayer and fasting; and loving God with all our hearts. Hosea 4: 6 says my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. We must lean on everything about Jesus Christ in order to have and to maintain our healing. 

What must be our determination?

The woman did not wait for Jesus to either call her or to touch her. She was rather determined to touch Jesus because of her situation. She ignored all protocols as a desperate opportunity in a lifetime. She was not sure if she would have a close encounter again so she took her opportunity and won. Ecclesiastes  9: 11 says again I saw that under the sun the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, nor bread to the wise, nor riches to the intelligent, nor favour to the men of skill; but time and chance happen to them all. The woman took her chance without wasting time. 

Isaiah 55: 6 says seek the Lord while he may be found; call upon him while he is near. 1 Chronicles 16: 11; Psalms 105: 4 say seek the Lord and his strength, seek his presence continually. The woman sought the presence of the Lord and found Jesus Christ for her healing. Psalms 34: 10 says the young lions suffer want and hunger, but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing. Hosea 10: 12 says it is time to seek the Lord, which he may come and rain salvation upon you. Amos 5: 4, 6 say seek the Lord and live. We must be determined with seriousness in searching for the attention of Jesus Christ. 

Zephaniah 2: 3 says seek the Lord, all you humble of the land, who do his commands; seek righteousness, seek humility. How do we seek the Lord? Do we seek him with a humble heart, obedient and righteous heart? Jeremiah 29: 13-14 says you will seek me and find me; when you seek me with all your heart, I will be found by you, says the Lord, and I will restore your fortunes and gather you from all the nations and all the places where I have driven you, says the Lord, and I will bring you back to the place from which I sent you into exile. If we seek Jesus continually and touch him as the woman did, we shall be restored both in spirit and in the body by the resurrection power of Jesus Christ.       


Dear Lord Jesus Christ, as we reach out to touch the fringes of your garments, please be pitiful of us. However the nature of our affliction and infirmity be, let your healing power begin to flow in us our lives to heal us and to restore us unto your peace and comfort. In your holy name we have prayed, Amen!!

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