We honour Good Friday as a day when Christ Jesus was put to death on the cross about two thousand years ago for no sin or evil done. Jesus’ crucifixion is recorded in Matthew 26: 36-75; Matthew 27: 1-61; Mark 14: 32-72; 15: 1-47; Luke 22: 39-71; 23: 1-53; and John 18: 1-40; 19: 1-38. We pray to the Lord to lead us to continue discussing other reasons for Jesus’ crucifixion and death on the cross.

Breaching the Law of Moses

One of the charges said Jesus had breached the sacred Law of Moses. Moses was the most revered prophet of God in Judaism and the breach of his law was a grave sacrilege. What constituted the breaches under Moses’ Laws is discussed as follows: 

Hope of marriage in heaven

Jesus was all along despised as having reversed Moses’ Law on marriage and divorce. They were hopeful to marry in heaven as some religions believe today. However, in Matthew 22: 30; Mark 12: 25; Luke 20: 35 Jesus said for in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven. This was contrary to their interpretation of Moses’ Law regarding marriage after death. 

Jesus opposed divorce

In Matthew 5: 21-22 Jesus discouraged divorce contrary to what Moses allowed under a certificate of divorce. To Jesus, the two in marriage are one and inseparable as one body. He said in Matthew 19: 5-6 for this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh? So you are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let no man put asunder. Jesus was against using women as a tool for men’s pleasure. His accusers were dissatisfied and not happy with this teaching.

Jesus healed on the Sabbath

In Matthew 12: 1-15; John 5: 7-16; 7: 22; 9: 14 Jesus healed many illnesses and afflictions on the Sabbath. Jesus said in John 5: 17 my Father is working still, and I am working. To Jesus, God answered prayers on Sabbath so God worked on Sabbath therefore he Jesus worked rightfully without wrong. He joyfully did what God his Father was doing. Healing and deliverance or setting the spiritual captives free was part of God’s mission for him. God answered him because it was for the good of man. Jesus asked in Mark 3: 4 is it lawful on the Sabbath to do good or to do harm, to save life or to kill? But they were silent. John 5: 16 says and this was why the Jews persecuted Jesus, because he did this on Sabbath. In our judgments, we must not overlook what is good and right.   

Jesus plucked corn on Sabbath

In Luke 6: 6-11 Jesus was accused of plucking corn to eat on the Sabbath because it was tantamount to harvesting which was working. To Jesus, survival of life was foremost to religiosities. In Matthew 14:15-21 Jesus fed the five thousand besides women and children. So Jesus said in Mark 2: 27-28 the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath; so the Son of man is lord even of the Sabbath. In essence, Jesus was crucified for devotion to God and life. We must not feed only the soul but also the body.

No matter the good in us, we are bound to face opposition and hate, and even death. However, these did not discourage Jesus from doing what was right. On Good Friday, we must dedicate our lives back to God through the blood of Christ Jesus to do right in all circumstances as Jesus did for us. Jesus’ actions were based on his sound understanding of scripture so he was not deterred. We must also understand scripture at the feet of the Holy Spirit then we can be bold for Jesus Christ to face the wrong.

Breaching God’s Law

If we breach God’s law, we shall also be punished. Romans 6:23 says the wages of sin is death but the free gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. If life and love were important to Jesus, they must be the same for us as his servants called to do his work.

We must care about our lives and that of others in the name of God without recklessness. We must care for the hungry, the sick, the afflicted, the helpless, the needy, broken souls and hearts, the lonely, and support our neighbours. We must respect freedoms, family life and dignity, spouses and persons of the home from the point of scripture. If we are true followers of Christ Jesus, we must be ready to endure humiliation and chastisement for being good to mankind just as Jesus went through. 

Unfortunately, we do not want to suffer any pain. Hebrews 12: 11 say for the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant; later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained. When we face persecution, let us remember that 1 Peter 2: 19 says for one is approved if, mindful of God, he endures pain while suffering unjustly. Just as Jesus did on Good Friday, we must not give up till the battle is won for Christ Jesus. Revelation 2:10 says be faithful unto death, and I (Christ) will give us the crown of life. Do we want a crown of life or a crown of misery and death?    


Lord Jesus Christ, we are ashamed and feel guilty for your death on the cross. You were crucified for being good to us. We are sorry for our wickedness and continuous rebellion against you. During this season of your forgiveness and restoration, please wash us with your blood from the cross and make us whole again. Be close to us, save us and lead us in your holy name, Amen!!

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