Any encounter with Jesus manifests in two ways. On the one hand Jesus touches us by his hand; word of mouth; by his spirit; or through his written word or the Holy Spirit. On the other hand, we can also touch Jesus through prayer; by his word; or by physical or spiritual contact with him. 

Irrespective of the mode of contact, it produces a positive outcome or result. Every contact with Jesus allows his power to flow to us by his infinite grace and love to his knowledge. In Luke 8:45 when the woman with the flow of blood touched the fringes of Jesus’ garments, and no one noticed, Jesus asked his disciples, who touched me? Touching Jesus produces positive results based on three key factors, faith, love and grace.

Faith produces results

Those who were touched by Jesus as well as those who touched Jesus showed great faith and consequently had the results they needed. James 1:7 says let him who is without faith expect to receive nothing from the Lord. Jesus said ask anything in my name and it shall be done unto you, John 14:14. This requires faith in his name. Those who are able to exercise this faith, even as small as the mustard seed receive results, Luke 17:6. Jesus said according to your faith, so be it unto you, Matthew 9:29; 8:13. We need faith to either touch Jesus or to have him touch us to change our circumstances.  

Love produces results

Based on Jesus’ love, those he touched or who touched him received positive results. We cannot repay Jesus for that love which he has given us. Jesus touched and healed many out of compassion, Matthew 9:36; 14:14; Mark 6:34. Jesus’ love for us is based on the fact that he came to seek and to save the lost, Luke 19:10. Jesus gave us the greatest love any man could give to another, John 15:13. He prayed that we should show equal love to one another, John 13:34; 15:17. For the love he has for us, Jesus allows his touch with us to have positive effects on our lives. He also died for us on the cross. The least we can do for Jesus is to reciprocate his love with gratitude with utmost respect. Jesus requires a grateful heart.

Grace produces results

None is righteous except God therefore positive results from the touch of Jesus or our touching him are not predicated on our good works but by grace, Romans 3:10. Paul says we are saved by grace, Ephesians 2:9. Jesus actually dwelt among us by grace, John 1:14. His grace is sufficient for us, 2 Corinthians 12:9. Not all those who received positive results from the touch with Jesus had faith. Some were dead, deaf, blind, lame or mad. It took grace to replace the faith and love required. John 1:16 says from his fullness we have received grace upon grace. If we lack faith or love, we can lean on God’s grace through our Lord Jesus Christ. Even faith and love come by grace, not works.

Some results we receive from encountering Jesus

  • Salvation and redemption to end our strained relationship with God, Luke 7:50.
  • Deliverance from all forms of affliction and spiritual bondage, Matthew 4:24.
  • Healing from all vicissitudes of life which restrains our progress, Matthew 8:8; 12:15.
  • Restoration of life even of the dead and all things dead and inactive in our lives, Matthew 10: 8
  • An assurance that God of the dead but the living, Matthew 22:32.
  • Assurance of resurrection over death, Matthew 5:41.
  • Cleansing from all diseases including tainted lives, moral decadence and impurity, Matthew 8:3.
  • Sight to our blindness and our lost spiritual vision, Matthew 20:34.
  • Health to our lameness and spiritual paralysis in life, John 5: 8-9
  • Restoration to our physical and spiritual deafness to hear his voice, Matthew 11:15; Mark 7:34.
  • Restoration of our wasting breath and draining life, Luke 8: 42-44
  • Restoration of our lost voices or dumbness to utter the Lord’s mysteries, Matthew 15: 30
  • Health to our promiscuous and unnatural lives, John 8: 11.
  • Jesus becomes our advocate and intercedes on our behalf before God, 1 John 2:1.  
  • Become friends of Jesus which is companionship against loneliness, John 15:15.
  • Forgiveness of sin with renewal in Christ, 2 Corinthians 5:17.
  • Defends us from our accuser, John 8:7; Revelation 12:10
  • Eternal life with hope of the resurrection through him, Matthew 19:29; John 5:24; 6:47
  • Avails to us his spirit of love so we can love one another, John 13:34; 15:9.
  • Sense of belonging to his family against loneliness and isolation, Acts 13:26.
  • Faith as our divine security in times of adversity and hopelessness, Matthew 8:13.
  • Spirit of discipleship to work with him as fishers of men, Matthew 4:19; Mark 1:17
  • We become enemies of the world, James 4:4.    
  • Deliverance from any and all other challenges, Matthew 4:24; 8:16; 12:15
  • Gives us a blank cheque to ask whatever we will in his name, and it shall be done, John 15:7
  • We can also ask in faith and we shall receive it in his name, Mark 11:24.  

What challenge do we have that Christ Jesus cannot solve? Is anything too hard for him to resolve? All things are possible with Jesus, Matthew 19:26; Mark 9:23; 10:27. Let Jesus touch us with his bleeding hands, speak to our situation and affect us with his spirit and we will never be the same again. We have no cause to worry with triumphant Jesus. We can equally touch him wherever we are even in the silence of our hearts he will still hear us. He is waiting to feel our touch, and to touch us also.        


Lord Jesus, please touch us with your hands of compassion. Speak to our situation, and affect us with your spirit. Where we fall short in faith, grant us your love and grace to receive from you. In our hemorrhage, let us reach out to touch you for restoration. In your holy name we pray, Amen!!

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