The pivot of Christianity is love or charity and love does not discriminate whatever the circumstances. In Luke 6:30 we are to love our enemies and do good to them. In Luke 6:35 we are cautioned that charity to those who can reciprocate is no charity or love. Jesus Christ, when asked about which of the commandments was the greatest, replied in Luke 10:27 that, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbor as thyself. Apostle Paul in rating charity said in 1 Corinthians 13:13, And now abideth faith, hope and charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity. Jesus Christ commanded his disciples in Matthew 10:8 that, freely ye have received, freely ye give. It is a very rare privilege to have God to call on you to give as a trustee of His resources. Remember God can do without you.
- May the Holy Spirit help you to acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour; wash and preserve you in his precious blood; lead you in reading and meditating on His word; guide and direct you in prayer; and make you His victorious servant with strength and wisdom; and may the Lord grant you perfect peace beyond all understanding. EMMANUEL AND SHALOM, AMEN!!!
Prof. Philip R. Anderson Jr
Publishing Evangelist