Emmanuel is another name of Jesus. In Matthew 1:23 Emmanuel means God with us. This was in fulfillment of an old prophecy in Isaiah 7:14 many years before Jesus Christ was born. In Isaiah 7:15, Immanuel differently spelt, meaning he knows how to refuse evil and choose the good. The two read together means the God of good, not evil is with us. This raises the question whether or not the good God was not with Israel prior to Jesus’ birth?

Before Jesus Christ

Prior to the birth of Jesus, God manifested himself directly and indirectly as a good God in several instances to the people of Israel. He spoke directly to Abraham and established a covenant with him, Genesis 17:5-9. He appeared to Moses in the burning bush, Exodus 3:2-6. He instructed Moses to perform wonders before Pharaoh so he would let the Israelites free, Exodus 10-15. God appeared to and instructed the patriarchs and the prophets directly and sometimes by his angels.

God was in the fire with Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, the three Hebrew boys that King Nebuchadnezzar ordered to be burnt in the furnace, Daniel 3:24-29. The Lord was with Daniel through his angels in the Lion’s den, Daniel 6:22. The Ark of Covenant was also deemed to symbolize the Lord God’s presence with Israel, Deuteronomy 31; Judges 20:27. The Ark was kept in the holiest place among the people of Israel, 1 King 8:6. God spoke with Noah and many other men of God long before Christ.

God himself has promised Israel that he will dwell among the people and will be their God, Exodus 29:45. In spite of the overwhelming evidence of God’s presence with the people of Israel, King Solomon questioned, but will God indeed dwell on earth? 1 Kings 8:27. Israel’s many countless encounters with God were rather deemed as temporary visits or appearances. They believed that by God’s nature no dwelling could accommodate him on earth. They needed God’s physical presence on earth. 

God’s dwelling in Jesus’ time

Israel had always wished to have God’s physical presence on earth with his people, hence the question of Solomon. This question was beautifully answered through the birth of Jesus Christ. The birth of Jesus and his presence amply answered the anxiety of Israel about God’s dwelling on earth. Jesus said I and the Father are one, John 10:30; He who has seen me has seen the Father; how can you say, show us the father, John 14:9; and He was in the world, and the world was made through him, yet the world knew him not, John 1:10. Jesus’ statements meant that he exemplifies God in all he said and did on earth.

Just as God is, good who eschews evil, Jesus was kind, loving full of compassion, peace, set the spiritually captives free, fed the hungry and poor, was the friend of outcasts, taught the way, demonstrated God’s overriding power and authority over nature and creation, raised the dead, healed the sick, reconciled people and above all overcame sin yet loved sinners. He overcame death and dispersed the fear of death, gave abundant life, John 10:10; emboldened his followers and gave the peace of heaven. 

God’s dwelling after Jesus’ death

God continues to dwell on earth after Jesus’ ascension. Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit as the comforter, John 14:26. On the day of Pentecost, he fulfilled his promise when the Holy Spirit descended on the disciples and those gathered in waiting for the promise, Acts 2:3-4. The Holy Spirit is also our companion, enabler, remembrance, guide and counselor. The Holy Spirit is our intercessor, Romans 8:26, 27 and 34. It does the work which Jesus did on earth. Jesus works through the Holy Spirit.

This was demonstrated in the works of Peter and the disciples, Apostle Paul and his companions Silas, Timothy and the host of them to finish the race, 2 Timothy 4:7. It is not surprising that Paul wrote some of the most compelling books as letters from his prison cell when he was awaiting his death by beheading. This was when he wrote, for me to live is Christ, and to die is gain, Philippians 1:21. He said further that whether we live or die, we are the Lords, Romans 14:8. The Holy Spirit enabled Paul with boldness to stand for Jesus whom he initially persecuted when he was called Saul, Acts 9:4-5.

Will Jesus dwell on earth always?

Jesus said I am with you always until the close of the age, Matthew 28:20. We can only experience the presence of his dwelling with us if we wisely open the door of our hearts to him as he continues to knock. If we open he will come in and dine with us, Revelation 3:20. Joshua and his household wanted God’s dwelling with them so they chose to serve the Lord, Joshua 24:15. Your choice will determine the extent of God’s presence with you. It is your choice to choose life or death, Deuteronomy 30:19.


Lord Jesus, however we feign, we cannot ignore your presence with us on earth since creation. By your birth and the presence of the Holy Spirit after your ascension, you continue to be with us. Let our hearts be attuned with your spirit that we may always feel your presence and your dwelling with us. In your holy name we pray. Amen!!

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