Christians all over the world celebrate the birth of Jesus on Christmas day. Though no one knows the exact date Jesus was born, Christmas day is dedicated to the birth of Christ or our remembrance. The recorded events and references associated with Jesus’ birth are not by chance. I pray that this would be your daily calendar for meditation and prayer as you celebrate the Lord’s birth this season and always.

Recorded events

1.    Birth in the manger (Luke 2:7 & 12):  Place of hiding for security reasons and for humility.

2.    Swaddling clothes (supra): For protection and keeping of a newborn from blemish and danger.

3.    The star of the East (Matthew 2:2): Jesus as the light of the world.

4.    The East (supra): Source and beginning of life and God’s dwelling.

5.    Tracing the star (Matthew 2:9): God’s light leads his children wherever they are.

6.    The star rested at Jesus’ birth place (Matthew 2:9): God’s presence rests with his own always.

7.    The prophecy of Jesus’ birth (Matthew 2:6): The truth about Jesus cannot be hidden.

8.    Appearance of angels (Luke 2:9): Evidence of God’s approval, presence and security over him.

9.    Angels’ message of peace (Luke 2:10): End of fear and good news to the world.  

10.    Jesus’ name, Emmanuel (Matthew 1:23): Means God with us. We are more than conquerors.

11.    Bethlehem the city of David (Luke 2:11): Traced Jesus’ royalty as a King in earth and heaven.

12.    Bethlehem, the least of Judea (Matthew 2:6): with Christ Jesus, the least shall be exalted.

13.    Census or enrollment (Luke 2:1-2 & 5): Taking stock of those who belong to his Kingdom.

14.    Wise man ascertaining where Jesus was born ((Matthew 2:2): The wise seek Jesus.

15.    The wise men (Matthew 2:1): Jesus as the source and giver of wisdom.

16.    Wise men’s request to worship him (supra): An acknowledgement of Jesus’ divinity.

17.    The Gift (Matthew 2:11): Jesus is God’s most precious gift to mankind.

18.    The Gold (supra): The Gold signifies Jesus as God’s most precious wealth to the world.

19.    The Frankincense (supra):  It signifies Jesus as God’s sweetest fragrance to mankind.

20.    The Myrrh (supra): It signifies God’s preservation of Jesus’ life, his purity and worth.

21.    The wise men’s great joy at the star (Matthew 2:10): Wise men rejoice at the light of Jesus.

22.    Confirmation by Herod’s wise men (Matthew 2:7): Even unbelievers know the truth about Jesus.

23.    The Shepherds (Luke 2:8): Jesus is our shepherd and keeps watch over us even by night.

24.    Shepherd’s watch by night (supra): Jesus keeps vigil for us in a world of darkness.

25.    Herod’s request to worship Jesus (Matthew 2:8): Wickedness and deceitful thoughts of man.

26.    Herod’s panic at the news (Matthew 2:3): Trembling of evil before Christ and his word. 

27.    Herod’s instructions to kill Jesus (Matthew 2:16): Satan’s intent to end salvation of the world.

28.    Taking of Jesus to Egypt (Matthew 2:13-14): God’s salvation to Gentiles from onset.

29.    The Virgin Mary (Like 1:30-31): God’s reward for, and association with morality and purity.

30.    Joseph’s acceptance of Mary (Matthew 1:20): God’s love for maturity and faith in trials.

31.    No place in the Inn (Luke 2:7): Worldly affairs cannot contain Jesus the light of the world.


Lord Jesus, as we celebrate your birth and its significance for our lives, let our meditations on the events that surround your birth this season and always transform our minds to embrace righteousness. In your holy name let your peace dwell with us and in our hearts and hearts. We pray. Amen!!

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