Showing generosity is one of the hallmarks of a true follower of Christ Jesus. In 2 Kings 4:8-17 we read of how a Shunammite woman built a dwelling apartment to host Elisha on his journeys in their vicinity and how as a show of appreciation promised her a son in their advanced age which was fulfilled. The son died prematurely but by that hospitality, God working through Elisha, resurrected the child.

What is generosity?

It is simply a show of love, kindness or generosity. Generosity to man is recognized by God if done voluntarily from a graceful heart. The Bible says in Acts 20:35 that it is more blessed to give than to receive. In Matthew 10:42 we read that anyone who gives even a cup of cold water to a disciple shall not lose his reward. The bible says further that freely have we received so freely must we give. 

What God expects us to do is to give to the poor and the needy and those who cannot pay back. Matthew 5:46-47 says if you love those who love you or salute only your brethren, what reward have you? If we refuse to be generous to the poor, the sick, the naked or those in prison we reject Jesus and he will likewise reject us on the day of judgment as recorded in Matthew 25:42-45.  

The value of generosity

David knew the value of giving to God or what it takes to be generous to God. In 2 Samuel 24:24, King David said to Araunah, No, I will not offer burnt offerings to the Lord my God which costs me nothing. Whatever we give to the Lord or in his name must be worthy in value relative to our circumstances. God judges from the heart. In Mark 12:43 Jesus said about the poor woman who put in the offering bowl two copper coins which make a penny, Truly, I say to you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the treasury. She put in all she had for God.

Qualification for generosity

We must freely give expecting nothing in return and God who knows our heart’s desire will reward us. We miss the mark if our generosity or giving is conditional. God’s love for us is not conditional. He provides for both the rich and the poor. God rewarded the Shunammite woman and the husband with a son in their old age because they were generous to Elisha without expecting any reward. 

God reciprocates generosity

God will always reciprocate generosity. He also protects his rewards with grace. His reward is without measure. The Shunammite woman doubted Elisha’s prophecy for a child yet God fulfilled his promise in 2 Kings 4:16-17. Upon her son’s untimely death, and in spite of her lamentations, Elisha raised the child back to life. Jesus did likewise for Mary when he raised Lazarus of Bethany back to life. Our faith is not necessary for God’s reward. God works by his own time, place and choosing. 

We are only trustees of God’s resources so we are called upon to invest same in his work and his people. Matthew 10:8 says, freely ye have received, freely give. Proverbs 3:38 says, Do not say to your neighbor, ‘Go and come again, tomorrow I will give it’- when you have it with you. Proverbs 11:24 says, One man gives freely, yet grows all the richer; another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want


Lord Jesus Christ, teach me to know the value and purpose of giving as you have instructed. Teach me to be selfless. Let me career for that which is yours with all my resources which you have entrusted to me. Thank you for an answered prayer. Amen!!!

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