Thanks is often predicated on receiving something positive or beneficial for someone. It shows appreciation or acknowledgement for a worthy course. It shows a cultured or mannered or civilized conduct within social context or norms. It opens the opportunity for repeated future assistance. It enhances relationships. Failure to say thanks is deemed as ingratitude that shuts the door for future assistance even if available and without conditions attached.

Biblical requirements

The bible says that in all things or circumstances, we must give thanks to God, for such is the will of Christ Jesus for us, 1 Thessalonians 5:18. It is therefore a mandatory requirement for all children of God. Logically, it may sound unreasonable to give thanks for a negative course such as calamity. That notwithstanding we have to obey instructions because we may not immediately appreciate the purpose of what we may perhaps term as negative, only God who knows the way can best tell.

Why must we always give thanks?

It is a divine command and as soldiers of Christ in constant battle, we have to obey Captain Jesus’ command in order to save our lives. We are often limited in scope of knowledge about our own affairs, hence we are unable to tell the reasons for an incident, except God. We have to trust God because he knows the way and is overly committed to lead and see us through to victory. 

Giving thanks to God also diminishes the magnitude of our perceived tragedy. It gives us strength through grace to overcome or to endure the odds. Jesus said his grace is sufficient for us and it perfects our weakness, 2 Corinthians 12:9. Failure to give thanks to God is failure to appreciate God and his capacity in wisdom, power, love, mercy and grace to do what is right for us in our circumstances. Such failure on our part amounts to disobedience and ingratitude to God. Isaiah 55:8 says, God’s ways and thoughts are different from ours. We cannot therefore assess God from the perspectives of man’s wisdom. The foolishness of God is wiser than men, 1 Corinthians 1:25.

Failure to give thanks to God rivals God and restrains him from manifesting his glory in our lives contrary to his intentions. It shows we do not trust him. Without faith, we cannot expect anything from God. The bible says that without faith, it is impossible to please God, Hebrews 11:6. It is lack of faith that discourages us from giving thanks to God in all situations or circumstances which is a sin. Let no double-minded person expect anything from the Lord, James 1:7.

Giving thanks to God opens the doors for multiple and repeated blessings and undeserved favours from him. We give thanks for what we have not received or seen but what we know God is able to provide through faith. Jesus said however small our faith may be, we can move mountains at our command, and further whatever we ask in prayer in his name, we shall receive, Matthew 21:21-22

We give thanks to God always as a demonstration of our total and unconditional surrender to him and our dependence on him as the author and finisher of our faith, life and existence. The bible says whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s, Romans 14:8. It is also recorded in 1 Thessalonians 5:10 that whether we wake or sleep we might live with him. We cannot therefore rely on our own understanding to determine when or whether or not to give thanks to God.

Anytime when we fail to give thanks to God, we show lack of divine wisdom and understanding of God. The wisdom of man is folly to God, 1 Corinthians 3:19. We must at all times take pleasure to understand God for it is only the fool who delights not in God’s Counsel but only in expressing his opinion, Proverbs 18:2. We can appreciate God by giving thanks to him always in each and every circumstance when we soberly reflect on his word that says all things work together for good unto those who are called according to his purpose, Romans 8:28. God has promised not to withhold anything good from us.  Let us give him thanks always to God that we may taste of his glory in our lives. 


For failing to give thanks always judged by my own wisdom, I apologize and confess my sins to you Lord Jesus. Wash me in your precious blood and restore me in faith and obedience to your will. In your name I pray. Amen!!

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