Every charge or duty which God imposes on us comes with a divine blessing usually beyond man’s comprehension or imagination. God may give us the assignment in circumstances which may sound impossible or unreasonable by human assessment. Each assignment from God comes with grace to surmount any challenges that may come. Such was the situation or circumstances of King Cyrus and the people of God in his days.

What were Israel’s circumstances?

At the time when the Lord God instructed Cyrus to build the temple in Jerusalem for him, the people of Israel lived in fear or terror because of the people of the surrounding countries. However in spite of the surrounding vicissitude, they maintained their customs, worship, undertook usual burnt and freewill offerings, Ezra 3: 3. Their circumstances did not dictate or impede their response to God or negatively affect their relationship with God. Their motivation was to honour God in obedience and so they did. 

They had faith in God through obedience, Ezra 3: 6James 2: 17 says so faith by itself, if it has no works, is dead. Hebrews 11: 6 says without faith it is impossible to please God. Faith and obedience are reckoned as righteousness. Without faith in God, we cannot support God’s work in any measure. With a sense of gratitude and happiness they supported God’s work and they were equally rewarded by God. 

Israel rejoiced with laughter and tears of joy when the builders laid the foundation of the temple of the Lord, Ezra 3: 10. Do we rejoice or bemoan the progress of God’s kingdom on earth?  

God’s intervention

By Cyrus and succeeding kings, the temple was completed in spite of stiff opposition from others. This shows that the will of God shall prevail in all circumstances and is unstoppable. We do not need to be afraid or to feel inadequate. Philippians 4:19 says my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. 

In Ezra 7: 20-21, the Lord God caused the successor king, Artaxerxes, to provide from his treasury for any shortfall of needed resources. The king further decreed that it shall be unlawful to impose toll, tribute or custom upon the elders of Israel including Ezra the priest, and any breach shall be punishable by death or banishment or imprisonment, Ezra 7: 24-26.  In our situation the Lord God, being the utmost King and owner of all resources, shall provide for us in times of need to further his work. 

However, as a condition for God’s intervention we must prepare our hearts to receive him as the Lord of our lives. In Ezra 7: 10 the bible says for Ezra had set his heart to study the law of the Lord, and to do it, and to teach his statutes and ordinances in Israel. In order to receive God’s intervention, we must study the word of God; live the word of God; and teach and share the word of God. This is how Ezra won God’s attention and thereby received God’s intervention. The examples of Cyrus and the people of Israel have set out the road map for our relationship with God.  

In order to receive God’s promises and intervention, 2 Chronicles 7:14 says that if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. Cyrus and his people had turned to God and obeyed his call also so they received God’s favour. Money, wealth or power does not attract God because he is the provider. He wants our hearts to be pure washed in the blood of Jesus Christ for our redemption. We must play our part for God will not deny us of anything good.


Our Father in heaven, your charge to us is to reform and to progress your work. In our precarious spiritual decadence, we invite you to intervene in our situation. We commit to dedicate our resources willingly to support your work for you are the owner of all things. Hear us O Lord because we have prayed in the name of Christ Jesus our Lord, Amen!!

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