God’s chosen leader is not about whether or not a leader is born. It is not about leadership styles. He is God’s ambassador just as Jesus was to execute God’s plan for His people. The categories are first, those chosen, approved and installed by God; second, those not chosen by God yet permitted by God for a specific purpose; third, those not chosen or permitted by God but by man’s power and authority.

To be chosen by God as a leader, one requires certain qualifications or qualities. These were exemplified in the life of Saul prior to his installation as King of Israel from the tribe of Benjamin recorded in 1 Samuel chapters 9 and 10. We must at all times pray for our leaders to be chosen and led by God for our common good. The qualifications are as follows:-


Saul was obedient to his father Kish and followed his instructions to go with a servant to find Kish’s lost asses, 1 Samuel 9:3. He obeyed instructions in humility and was ready to serve his father irrespective of his stature and good looks. His character reflected good manners which is foremost to God which made it possible to reach the prophet Samuel who anointed him on God’s instructions as the first King of Israel. Stop complaining about task assigned to you because it is God’s road map or plan for your life. 

Care and service

A leader must show care and be ready to serve. Saul while executing his father’s instructions still thought about how his father would feel by his long absence from home looking for the lost asses. Saul was committed to exhaust all possibilities to make his father happy. He did not lord over the servant either but recognized him as a brother or colleague with a common mission, 1 Samuel 9:5. Jesus said he that wants to be the greatest must be the servant. God chooses those with a caring heart as leaders.

Listening to others

No man has the monopoly of wisdom so listening to the views of others is a virtue. God sometimes speaks to us through other people for our good. We must evaluate the content of the message from the messenger and not based on his status. Saul was quick to discard his decision to go back home and rather took the advice of the servant to see the prophet Samuel for God’s opinion about his father’s lost asses, 1 Samuel 9:6. Respect for the servant’s opinion made him reach the prophet Samuel. Pray for a discerning spirit in evaluating opposing views because God can use any person for his purpose.

Possessing a clean heart

A prospective leader must be truthful to, and transparent with God’s people. David asked God for a truthful and clean heart in Psalms 51:6 and 10 respectively. Saul had no intention to cheat or deceive the prophet Samuel upon consulting him so he confessed to the servant that he did not have money for Samuel as required by custom, 1 Samuel 9:7. By Saul’s transparency, the servant bailed him out that he had enough money. God would always choose a leader with a clean and pure heart to walk with him. 

Making haste to seek God

It is inevitable to face challenges in this life. However in such times, whilst some make haste to seek God, others run away from God to consult other deities. Saul accepted the servant’s proposal to seek the Prophet Samuel’s views with haste because only God was omnipotent and omniscient, 1 Samuel 9:12-14. We are to trust God always without leaning on our own wisdom. God chooses those who are hasty to seek wisdom from Him and to rely on Him as a mark of honour. 

Having God’s anointing

God gives direction and protection under His anointing. God’s anointing is a sign of divine covering through grace for leadership. It is God’s seal on His chosen one for His purpose. Many clamor for power and positions of leadership without God’s anointing but greed for materialism. Saul was anointed by the prophet Samuel on God’s instructions so he was a man of God’s choosing not self-appointed, 1 Samuel 9:16; and 10:1. He enjoyed God’s grace irrespective of his faults. Has God chosen you as a leader?

Spirit of humility

Saul never forgot about his humble background as a Benjaminite, the least of the tribes of Israel, 1 Samuel 9:21. God lifts the humble to be leaders because they stand for peace also. Our beginnings must be a guide for our future and not the reverse. God uses the foolish things of this world to confound the wise, and what is weak in this world to confound the strong, 1 Corinthians 1:27.  Humility is not a weakness. It is rather the vehicle to knowledge which God wishes for us. God makes foolish the wisdom of the world, 1 Corinthians 1:20. God has a purpose for our beginnings. Are you shy of it? 

Channel of God’s message

In times of old, leaders openly confessed their faith in God to lead their people to God. In modern times, you have to belong to a cult or secret society which God does not approve of. Saul allowed himself to be a channel of God’s prophecy so it became a saying among the people, Is Saul also among the prophets, 1 Samuel 10:6-11? Godly confessions of a leader are necessary to transform a nation towards God because it revisits the fear of God in man. Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people, Proverbs 14:34. A prospective leader must be a channel of God’s message for mankind.     

Acceptance of unfitness

No man is perfect so we complement one another’s shortcomings. We all rely on God for wisdom and direction through His grace in Christ Jesus. A prospective leader equates himself to God when he refuses to accept that he is fallible. We acknowledge God’s supremacy and invite His intervention when we accept our imperfection. Saul acknowledged his insufficiency or inadequacy so God perfected his weakness, 1 Samuel 10:22-23. God cannot use you if you equate yourself to him. 

People’s acceptance

A leader must be accepted by his people. God knows the hearts of men so He chooses for His people leaders they would accept. Saul was unanimously accepted when God chose him for his people of Israel. Samuel told the people, there is none like him among all the people. Saul therefore received a rousing acclamation, long live the King, 1 Samuel 10:24. God does his homework before choosing leaders. Do not force yourself on the people without their acceptance because it would be disastrous without God. 


Except the Lord builds the house the builders labour in vain; Except the Lord watches over the city the watchman stays awake in vain, Psalms 127:1. Lord, make me a leader of your heart. Amen!!

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