Grace is not automatic. It comes by God’s own decision. It is not as of right but the love and mercies of God almighty through Jesus Christ our Lord. We are undeserving of grace because of our sinful and rebellious nature against God. Nevertheless, God extends his grace to us unconditionally. 

We cannot boast of anything. The bible says in 1 Corinthians 1:31 that let him who boasts, boast of the Lord. The bible questions why we should boast as if what we have are not gifts from God, 1 Corinthians 4:7. Paul says again in 2 Corinthians 10:13 that our boasting must be within the limits that God has apportioned to us. Paul says further in 2 Corinthians 11:30 that if he must boast, he will boast of things that show his weakness. 

In other words, Paul is acknowledging his lack of control over his own life. In such an acknowledgment, he is able to appreciate God for what he is able to enjoy beyond his weakness. In Paul’s mind, little or insignificant things of life are worthy of appreciation. We have no control over our lives and it is by grace that we live and enjoy the goodness of life. We cannot gloss over the obvious.

Life and loved ones

Life is a mystery and thus inexplicable. It is the most valuable of all gifts. Life is sometimes devastating without company and in loneliness we die slowly. God however takes care of the depression, emptiness and unending psychological servitude associated with loneliness. It is by grace that we enjoy company by marriage, children, relatives, neighbours and loved ones and those we can access or talk to or support us in times of need. They give us a sense of belonging, respect and security by grace. 

It is by grace that we watch our children grow and succeed in life. The feeling of fulfillment and joy comes by grace not by our works. Even if we do not have children or that our children are not doing well, we must all the same appreciate God. There are many out there we can adopt as children or family to fill the void. God has given each of us equal opportunity to access him always through Jesus Christ.                       

Our economic status

If you are privileged to be in jurisdictions where we can make it in life, it is by grace. It is by grace that you have resources, success, job prospects, a decent standard of living and freedom. Not everyone has these offers in life. Putting food on the table for yourself or the family is by grace, not your work. Not all families have a roof over their heads but even so, the Lord cares for us all. Progress in life is not predicated on you but God’s grace. So is peace and happiness from God. Travelling mercies as the name suggests is by God’s grace. Your safety depends on his grace.

Life’s exposure

Whatever you have achieved by education is by the grace of God so boast not. You are not better than others who were not privileged enough to have equal opportunity. Mere educational qualification does not guarantee success in life. So, what you have earned is by grace. The ability to learn, assimilate or memorize is by grace. Others who were better than you could not make it. The respect you now command in society or among your peers, family, in your home or circles is by grace. You are not the most qualified or the only qualified person for a given position.

Gifts of nature

These include the air we breathe, water we drink and for other purposes. The air, rain, dew, sunshine, light, and the refreshing weather we enjoy are by grace. The fields, plants, crops, forests, animals and springs we have for our good and pleasure we enjoy are by grace. The benefits of mountains, hills and valleys, the sea, waterways, and the clouds that shield us from harmful radiation are worthy of notice. 

Our health, strength, senses including sight, speech, touch, smell, taste, hearing, coordination and balance are not automatic but by grace. Our ability to walk, grip, eat and drink are by grace not as of right. Not everybody has legs or hands or eyes or all faculties of life. Ability to breathe freely is not automatic just as the functioning of our organs is not.

No matter how inferior you may feel, you may be someone’s model or hope or a mentor. It is the Lord who determines our value, not man so in every situation inspire others and appreciate God in joy. We sleep and wake up by grace without knowing the battles that raged on around us. The grace of God surrounds us always. We cannot toy with God’s grace for us.

Religious liberty

In some jurisdictions, you cannot freely worship or profess God without either losing your freedom or life. Worship is done in secret. Gaining access to the bible to read is even not available. We must not abuse the privilege of freedom of worship whilst grace abounds. Opportunity to pray and receive answers from God is by grace through the blood of Jesus and his cleansing power of forgiveness. 

It is a privilege and God’s grace that we are able to profess Christ as our personal savior. By the same grace, we are able to worship God in the comfort of our homes. Freedom of speech, rights, expression and human rights opportunities are also by grace. It is not permissive under draconian regimes. We must cherish or value the grace we enjoy from God through Jesus Christ.

Misfortunes of life

Not all things appear positive in life, some are negative and unwelcome. Sometimes we do not have any control or influence over them. But in all these, God’s grace sees us through. In 2 Corinthians 12:9 the bible says that God’s grace is sufficient for us and his strength is perfected for us in our weakness. By grace not all misfortunes plaque us.

We also read from Romans 8:28 and 1Timothy 4:4 that God will not withhold anything good from us. We further read from 1 Corinthians 10:13 that God will not allow us to be tempted beyond our strength. James 1:2 says that challenges are trials of our faith in God so we are to count it all as joy. We can now appreciate God’s grace by the many examples mentioned. Therefore let us give thanks to God in all things for it is the will of God in Christ Jesus, 1 Thessalonians 5:18.


Lord Jesus, I repent of my sins for failing to appreciate your abundant and unlimited grace which I do not deserve. Help me to show appreciation always in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen!!

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