From creation to date, God has been with His people at all times even in solitude. God does not abandon us in times of loneliness. 

Examples of God’s presence

Examples include Daniel in the lion’s den, the three Hebrew boys in the fiery furnace, Moses in the basket of reeds on the Nile, David threatened by Goliath, Israelites faced with the Red Sea, the imprisonments of the disciples, Paul’s imprisonments, shipwrecks, times of spiritual and material needs, etc.

The book of Ezekiel can help us to appreciate this fact. Although the prophet Ezekiel was in prison, God opened his eyes to see vision for his people, Ezekiel 1:1. God sent His word to Ezekiel in Ezekiel 1:3 and he saw God’s awesomeness which he has described in Ezekiel 1:5

What to do in solitude

The Lord sees us from all directions at the same time so He lacks no knowledge about us, Ezekiel 1:6. We are not to be mute but instructed even in confinement to speak his word to His people whether they hear or not as a rebellious and stubborn people, Ezekiel 1:7. Their hearing is God’s business, not ours.

God instructs us to literally nourish our souls with what he gives us, which is His word, Ezekiel 1:8. This is how we can overcome solitude. Jesus repeated this instruction in Matthew 4:4 that man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God (See also Luke 4:4). Today, whether in solitude or freedom Christians prefer bread rather than feeding their souls with God’s word.

In solitude, we must be careful not to be derailed by any language that is different from the word of God, Ezekiel 3.6 but be stubborn to follow God’s word, Ezekiel 3:8.  Whether free or bonded we are enjoined to be watchmen over God’s people, Ezekiel 3:17 and we do this by prayer which knows no barrier. 

Our reward with God

For the obedient and spiritually minded, the word of God is sweeter than honey, Ezekiel 3:3. Nourishing the body is different from nourishing the soul. In solitude, we may be empty of bread physically, yet full spiritually. We bear the blood of the perished upon our failure to warn them but free upon warning them about what God says. Solitude is not negative but God’s plan for our lives. 

Just as Jerusalem is the centre of nations, Ezekiel 5:5 so is God the centre of our lives. The Lord will not fail or forsake you, Deuteronomy 31:6; also in verse 8. Do not be afraid in solitude or when all seems lost and broken. Jesus said he is with us always, to the close of the age, Matthew 28:20. 

Even though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we fear no evil; for the Lord God is with me; His rod and His staff will comfort us, Psalms 23:4. He that dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall dwell under the shadow of the almighty, Psalm 91:1.


Lord Jesus, teach me to trust you that my faith may be anchored in you in times of solitude. Amen!!

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