The statement Hosanna in the highest is recorded Matthew 21: 1-11; Mark 11: 11; and John 12: 16. In summary, Jesus rode to Jerusalem on an ass also described as a colt and the crowd before him and after him spread their garments on the road, and with palm branches shouted, Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest. This is the meaning of Palm Sunday which Christians celebrated as Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem

Though this event precedes Good Friday when Christ was crucified, and Easter Sunday when he rose from the dead, its relevance may be appreciated better after these festivities or celebrations. Why did the people shout Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest amidst holding and spreading palm branches and their cloths on the street for Jesus to ride over to Jerusalem?  

Antecedent of Hosanna

Israel’s prayer in the words of Hosanna was founded on 2 Chronicles 6: 42 which said, O Lord God, do not turn away the face of thy anointed one! Remember thy steadfast love for David thy servant. Jesus stood in the stead of David, his revered ancestor who bravely fought and won his battles. Jesus knew it was his last visit to Jerusalem yet he faced the consequences of his trip and those who said Hosanna appreciated him. God did not forget the prayer of his people and will not forget ours if we make it in true penitence of heart which will reflect in our deeds.

Isaiah 53: 3 says he was despised and rejected by men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief; and as from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not. Jesus faced the battle alone because he was able and acquainted with grief and sorrow. He knew our sordid state and showed concern to liberate us no matter the cost. He had to shed his precious for us because Hebrews 9: 22 says without the shedding of blood there was no forgiveness of sins. 

Do we appreciate Jesus’ reentry into our lives? Do we say Hosanna with meaning? Hosanna also implies save us, the highest heavenly King. The people acknowledged Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem as the visit of the highest heavenly Royal destined to redeem them and in truth Jesus did so spiritually although not politically and we are proud beneficiaries of his bravery and success. 

Jesus said in John 18: 36-37 my kingship is not of this world; if my kingship were of this world, my servants would fight, that I might not be handed over to the Jews; but my kingship is not from the world… you say I am a king. For this I was born, and for this I have come into the world, to bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears my voice. Do we accept Jesus as our king and what he says is the truth? Will we submit to this heavenly ordained redeeming king and say, Hosanna in the highest?

Symbol of palm branches

The palm branches signified victory or triumph in battle. It stood for restoration of peace, integrity and everlasting life. Palm branches were originally used as the symbol of Nike, the ancient goddess of victory. Palm branches stood for divine approval or acceptance of the goddess of victory and liberation. These beliefs and practices originated from ancient traditions and cultures of the East and Mediterranean world.  

However, in the days of Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem amidst the shouts of Hosanna in the highest, Christ Jesus was believed, perceived or acclaimed as the victorious one sent from God to liberate Israel. Jesus was believed as superior to the goddess Nike. The coming of Jesus was believed to be the beginning of their eminent victory over oppression with restoration of everlasting peace and freedom. The palm branches therefore embodied these concepts, meanings and associations. What are our symbols of victory in Christ Jesus? Our symbols must be purity of heart, faith and love. Matthew 7: 16, 20 say you shall know them by their fruits.

Our best traditions and gifts

Jesus was given and he received their best traditions, honour, recognition, and acceptance. The people placed their most cherished wealth such as clothes and garments on the street for Jesus to ride on. This symbolized unbridled belief, humility and submission to Jesus as they saw fit. They gave a rousing welcome and acceptance befitting of a noble liberating king by spontaneity. 

Who is Christ Jesus to us after all that we have witnessed, heard or seen?   Jesus asked in Matthew 16: 15; Mark 8: 29; Luke 9: 20; but who do you say that I am? Jesus was not interested in what people said or perceived of him. He wanted the disciples to give him their personal account rather. Jesus wants to hear from us personally. The people said Hosanna in the highest, so they gave their best to Jesus in love, humility and joy. How are we also appreciating and welcoming Jesus Christ for his works in the past, present and future for us? Our best tradition is to surrender to Jesus Christ in truth and in humility.

How do we see Jesus? How do we welcome Jesus into our hearts and homes? What is our best we want to showcase to Jesus? Do we in truth acknowledge Jesus for his wondrous work in our lives? If Jesus is the Christ to us as Peter answered in Matthew 16: 16; Mark 8: 29; or as Martha said in John 11: 27; or as is written in John 20: 31 let us say with meaning and in truth with unconditional surrender to Jesus: Hosanna in the highest our blessed king of our souls. 


Dear Lord Jesus Christ, we also rededicate all we have to you and invite you to triumphantly enter our hearts to redeem us. We acknowledge you as the Lord of victory in battle and we ask you to liberate us through your precious blood. Accept our penitent hearts which we waive as our palm branches for the joy of your salvation. Do not pass us by, we pray in your blessed holy name, Amen!!

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