The bible says that God is spirit and he that worships him must do so in spirit and in truth, John 4:24. By this bible verse, anything contrary to the truth as known in the spirit is a sham. What is presented as the truth yet something else is deception and that is the object and character of hypocrisy.

Ezra’s account of hypocrisy

We read from Ezra Chapter Four that when the returnees from exile or captivity started rebuilding the destroyed temple of God, Judah and Benjamin expressed interest to join the rebuilding project. However they had ulterior motives to frustrate the work of God. By divine guidance, Israel refused their offer to be included in the project.

Dissatisfied with their rejection, the hypocrites wrote to the King, Ahasuerus and King of Persia, Artaxerxes to frustrate the rebuilding of the temple with excuses which included complaints of tax evasion, revenue losses, rebellion, incitement and dishonouring authority. They relied on politics to foment grounds for sedition and persecution. The project was halted temporarily by the King but upon further investigation, the complaint was adjudged as false. The King then ordered that the entire cost of the project be funded from government funds. 

Biblical position of hypocrisy   

Hypocrites have double tongues. The bible says that knowing the truth shall set us free, John 8:32. God uses the truth to liberate his people. God hates a lukewarm attitude and will spew such characters out of his mouth, Revelation 3:16. We are warned that our yes should be yes, and our no be no, James 5:12 and anything beyond that is evil, Matthew 5:37.

Jesus cursed the fig tree which looked like a fruit bearing whereas in reality it was not, Matthew 21:19; Mark 11:13-14. Jesus then told his disciples to learn their lesson from the fig tree, the results of hypocrisy or deception. A Christian just like a fruit tree must bear fruits which will benefit the Kingdom of God, Matthew 3:8. Every tree (person) that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire, Matthew 7:19. Judas Iscariot suffered a similar fate. He betrayed Jesus with a kiss which rather was to signify love. He used the symbol of love to achieve hate and destruction.  

Jesus called the Scribes and Pharisees as hypocrites and likened them to white washed tombs, which outwardly appear beautiful, but within are full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness, Matthew 23:27. Paul says that God shall strike such white washed wall, Acts 23:3. Hypocrisy is like serving God and mammon which we cannot do, Matthew 6:24; Luke 16:13. In doing so, we mock God, Galatians 6:7.  Like the scribes and Pharisees, we cannot honour God with only lip service, Matthew 15:8; Mark 7:6.

What we need

Consumed by hypocrisy, we often preach virtue and practice vice. Jesus who knows all things said we should first remove the log on our eyes before we attempt to remove the speck in the eyes of others, Matthew 7:3-5; Luke 6:41-42. We need the grace of God to know the hypocrites infiltrating the ranks of God’s army and family. Revelation 2:10 says we must be faithful unto death, and Christ will give us the crown of life. We patronize hypocrisy because of material gain or benefit but God is able to provide us our needs from his riches in heaven, Philippians 4:19.  

In spite of all the false reports to the King, the Lord caused the government of the day to fund the temple from state funds. Psalms 12:14 says the Lord who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. Do not be intimidated to patronize deceptive spirits to frustrate God’s work. God needs people of truth to work with. Do not be worried about false reports against you for the Lord is in charge.


Lord Jesus, let me be true to you that I may bear fruits in your vineyard without deception as you walk with me daily and in all circumstances. In your precious name I pray. Amen!!

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