Moses asked God, if the people ask me, what is your name? What should I say to them?  God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM”, Exodus 3:14. This name continues to confound generations. Hitherto the Lord God was known to the people of Israel by other names. God’s names were aptly descriptive of his exploits. Ironically his new name had reference to none.

I am who I am

God did not need introduction to Pharaoh or the Israelites. They knew who he was but had become doubtful of his saving grace. However, God had not changed but remained the same, Hebrews 6:17-18. His ways and his thoughts remained different from that of man, Isaiah 55:9. His new name meant he was the same unchangeable gracious and loving Lord of Host.    

God of all gods

In Daniel 11:36 God is referred to as God of gods. God was only reminding them of his authority. Job 23:13 says, God is unchangeable and who can turn him? What he desires, that he does. Moses had doubts if God would really deliver them from bondage. God’s new name meant he was the greatest among all gods. 

The answering God

Prior to Moses’ encounter with God at the burning bush, they knew what Isaiah 58:9 said, that you shall call, and the Lord will answer; you shall cry, and he will say, here I am. Jeremiah 33:3 also says call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things which you have not known. Their forefathers and inherited traditions confirmed that God answered prayers. God had always been Israel’s stronghold in times of trouble, Psalms 9:9. God did not need a fresh introduction.  

God of truth

God’s new name meant that he was the same God of truth, Isaiah 65:16. David prayed an old Jewish prayer in Psalms 25:5 that lead me in thy truth, and teach me, for thou art the God of my salvation; for on thee I wait all the day long. God respected his covenant with their father Abraham so his new name was a reminder to Israel to honour theirs for he knew them. Psalms 51:6 says behold, thou desires truth in the inward being; therefore teach me wisdom in my secret heart. 

Righteous God

God’s name meant I am the God who loves righteousness and hates wickedness, Psalms 45:7. Israel had adopted a culture of idolatry in Egypt but God remained who he was. He hated disloyalty in worship and allegiance, Exodus 20:5; 34:14. Therefore God described himself as “I am who I am” in order to forewarn them against their future conduct that would be abrasive to His purity, dignity and will. As recorded in Revelation 22:13, God knew their beginning and the end.

God of miracles

God meant he stood for miracles in the life of Israelite. His miraculous interventions earned him many accolades. He was the same God of miracles which fact he confirmed by the sign and wonders before Moses and in Egypt before Pharaoh, starting from Exodus 4:1 when he turned Moses’ rod into a snake. God’s promise to his people remained unchanged. He still performs miracles in our lives.

Who is God to you?

The Lord God of Host has not changed. He is committed to his promise to us when we call. On whom do we call in times of trouble? The Lord’s name is I AM WHO I AM. Nothing is bigger or greater than him. Let him be your God. He wants you to trust him for his mercies in all things. He will not fail you.


You are the unchangeable God. Make me anew in Christ Jesus thou whose name is I AM WHO I AM, Amen!!

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