Salvation came to man by the death and resurrection of Christ having shed his blood for us on the cross. Jesus said in John 12: 32 that when I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men to myself. Acts 4: 12 says there is salvation in no other name under heaven given among men by which we can be saved. Jesus Christ is the only name. Scripture says further that Christ died to set us free. Galatians 5: 1 says for freedom, Christ has set us free, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery (sin). Are we free in spirit or we are in bondage of sin? It is getting too late, the hour is near. 

What is salvation?

Salvation is eternal life through Christ Jesus so John 10: 10 says I came that you may have life, and have it abundantly. Salvation is the right to enter eternity with Christ Jesus. That right is not obtained by works but by grace through Christ Jesus our Lord. Salvation is obtained by hearing the word of God. It is doing or obeying the word of God. It is turning away from sin to righteousness by repentance based on scripture. Acts 16: 31 says believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved, you and your household. 

Salvation is keeping and meditating on the word of God. Proverbs 7: 2 says my son, keep my commandments and live. See also Deuteronomy 5: 29. It is being faithful to God till death. So, we are saved in Christ in God to live when we keep his word. Revelation 2: 10 says be ye faithful unto death and I will give you a crown of life. Salvation is therefore a lifelong practical relationship with Christ Jesus at his word in humility, obedience and reverence. Salvation is not only of the tongue or lips but of the heart to encapsulate the mind, soul and body. 

John 15: 10 therefore says if you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandment and abide in his love. Salvation therefore also means abiding in God’s love by acting on the word of God in order to be God’s chosen. John 14: 21 says he who has my commandments and keeps them, is he who loves me; and he who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him. Salvation therefore stands for those who abide in God through the love of Christ Jesus. Do we keep God’s commandments and abide in him? 

What is inheritance of salvation?

An inheritance is a thing which one receives from another. It is received directly or indirectly. It is given or received during the lifetime or upon death of the giver or its original owner. An inheritance may be tangible or intangible, that is to say physical or not; material or not. It is usually a gift received which carries with it all the rights characteristic of gifts including the fact that upon the grant, the owner’s rights to that inheritance becomes extinguished. 

Can we lose our inheritance?

Yes, we can lose our inheritance by our words or deeds or both.

If we breach God’s conditions

If we fail to adhere to the conditions of the inheritance of salvation we will lose it. Jesus said in Matthew 3: 8-9, do not say to yourselves we have Abraham as our father, for God is able out of these stones to raise an inheritance unto him.  Jesus is thus saying that salvation as an inheritance is an opportunity and a privilege we have received by grace through his blood and it must be maintained. 

If we have the thought of Pharisees

By Abraham’s relationship with God, we as his descendants have equal access to God if we will maintain the relationship which Abraham had with God. Should we renege, we stand the risk of losing that opportunity. Abraham maintained a worthy relationship with God till death. The Jews thought and believed that inheritance of salvation which Abraham had with God by covenant was permanent irrespective of their deeds because of God’s presence with them. Jesus made it clear that it was only permanent with adherence to its conditions, righteousness and they could lose it to others upon sin. 

If we serve God with other motives

Colossians 3: 24 also says knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward; you are serving the Lord Christ. It means without serving God through Jesus Christ with the right objective, we will not receive salvation. Inheritance of salvation is therefore obtained through serving God through the Lord Jesus Christ for life. Any time we breach our code of service to God, we also lose our inheritance of salvation. Upon repentance we are restored to our relationship with Christ Jesus to resume our inheritance of salvation. 

If we die without repentance

If we are not restored at the time of death, we lose it in eternity so Philippians 2:12 says work out your salvation with fear and trembling. This must be a daily affair or encounter with God through Christ Jesus.

Further, Revelation 3: 11 says be vigilant so no one may seize your crown. The crown refers to the reward of salvation by inheritance through Christ Jesus. This verse tells us that without vigilance in the spirit, we may lose our inheritance so 1 Peter 5:8 says be sober and vigilant. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. Spiritual vigilance comes with humility or soberness which makes us always rely on God for strength in spiritual battle and not of our own. 


Lord Jesus Christ, I have heard you word and received it into my soul. Please Lord, save my soul today and preserve my inheritance in you. Heal my iniquities and fill my life with your spirit that I may be useful and a channel of your blessing to your creation. I do not own myself but to you O Lord. In humility, I consecrate my life to your will and in your holy name I pray, Amen!!

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