Injustice has become the new world order or new normal. God wants us to know how he feels about injustice. There are several references to injustice in the bible. 

What is injustice?

Injustice means doing what is not right before God to another person. It also means doing what you dislike to someone. It means to pervert justice, truth or honesty. It is inflicting pain and sorrow on others. It is the absence of love or conscience.

Does God pervert justice?

In Job 8:3 the question is posed, does God pervert justice? Or does the Almighty pervert the right? Job 34:12 says that of a truth, God will not do wickedly, and the Almighty will not pervert justice. God created us in his image for a reason, Genesis 1:27. He wants us to reflect his just image.

The Lord loves justice but hates robbery and wrong, Isaiah 61:8. Isaiah 30:18 confirms that the Lord is a God of justice; blessed are all those who wait for him. Waiting on God means to be patient, tolerant and to forbear until God directs. Isaiah 40:31 says, they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. Jesus wants us to be like him so God may be glorified, John 15:8. God is just so righteous and justice is the foundation of his throne, Psalms 97:2. Man gives favour but the Lord gives justice, Proverbs 29:26

How God sees injustice

God warns against injustice in Exodus 23:2. To God, a false witness is perverting justice. Perverting justice due to the poor is also wrong in God’s sight, Exodus 23:6. Injustice in judgment is equally wrong, Leviticus 19:15

Deuteronomy 10:18 says God executes judgment for the fatherless and widows. Injustice includes partiality or taking bribes, Deuteronomy 16:19. If we want to live, we follow justice, Deuteronomy 16:20. The essence of life is to pursue justice or a just cause. Evil men do not understand justice, but those who seek the Lord understand it completely, Proverbs 28:5. Are you just as Christ is?

The Lord loves justice, Psalms 37:28. Orphans, fatherless, widows, the weak, the afflicted and the destitute require justice, Psalms 82:3. The oppressed are not exempted, Psalms 103:6. The needy are helpless, and the Lord executes justice for them, Psalms 140:12.  God hates robbing the poor, Isaiah 10:2. The Lord wants us to keep justice and do righteousness, Isaiah 56:1.

We pursue money by unjust means. However, Proverbs 16:8 says it is better to have little with righteousness than great revenue with injustice. God hates property acquired by injustice, Jeremiah 22:13. Righteous men belong to God and God says in Proverbs 18:5 that do not deprive a righteous man of justice. We are therefore to do good and seek justice at all times to all persons, Isaiah 1:17.  

Is there a reward for justice?

The just God has given us the freedom of choice, the right to choose life or death, Deuteronomy 30:15. Do we respect the freedom of choice? Those who pervert justice are cursed, Deuteronomy 27:19. The bible describes such people as wicked souls and God is full of judgment on the wicked, Job 36:17

Those who observe justice are blessed, Psalms 106:3. God regards justice as righteousness, Genesis 18:19. God accepts righteousness and justice rather than sacrifice, Proverbs 21:3. Justice is the joy of the righteous but dismay to evildoers, Proverbs 21:15. Those who sow injustice shall reap calamity, Proverbs 22:8. However the Lord will pardon the one who does justice and seeks truth, Jeremiah 5:1. Do you prefer to reap calamity or life? If you prefer life, then Amos 5:24 says let justice roll down like waters.

Paul asks in Romans 9:14, if there is injustice on God’s part? He answers by saying, by no means. If then our heavenly Father is a just God and our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is his image, we cannot continue to embrace injustice and expect the righteous judge to be just with us. 


Lord Jesus, very soon the trumpet shall sound. Strengthen my weakness to do right and to seek justice as I ought to. In your holy name I pray, Amen!!

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