Many religions have suggested the way to God as God’s approved seal. This has created confusion in the minds of many believers and God’s people. Jesus resolved this confusion and conflict in his time and in contemplation of future generations. He said, I am the way, and the truth, and the life, no one comes to the Father, but by me, in John 14:6

Jesus as the way

Jesus’ statement means that there is only one way to God and he is that way. This also means that claims by others either in person or by their religion is false. Jesus reiterated this position when he said; all those who came before me are thieves and robbers, John 10:8. Anyone who follows or associates or abets or conspires with a thief or a robber is equally a thief or a robber and deserves the same or similar punishment. Remember that biblically, the judge for the thieves and robbers is Jesus himself. The bible says, for the Father judges no one but the Son, John 5:22.

The narrow way

Jesus has described the way as narrow. Often, a narrow way is not well defined. It is winding or meandering, undulating. It has natural obstructions or diverse nature and character. It is scary to walk that path alone sometimes. A narrow way requires diligence, patience and determination to travel through to the end. Such are the challenges that confront Christian in our daily walk with Christ. Jesus contrasts it with the broad way that leads to destruction, Matthew 7:13-14. It is attractive and well defined. It is often smooth and shorter by travel. It is comfortable and more assuring to use. It is well lit and not so frightening to walk alone on it. However, Jesus says the way of the world leads to destruction whilst the narrow way leads to eternity. Many choose the broad way because of its logical attraction. Proverbs 14:12 says, there is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death.    

Jesus described his way as narrow because his exposition was only one amongst several conflicting ways that others had proffered earlier. Hitherto, Jesus’ way was not known and thus appeared unpopular or challenging. One needs the Holy Spirit in order to comprehend, accept and travel on the narrow way. Whosoever will travel the narrow way will receive the keys to the Kingdom of heaven from Jesus, Matthew 16:19. Jesus’ position as the only and true narrow way has not been rivaled by any other. By human wisdom, many have in the past tried to connect with God through their own designs, doctrines, imaginations and philosophies and sometimes by strange images, symbols, objects or nature. They are unapproved ways to connect with God. Use Jesus’ as God’s approved directional sign post. 

Jesus as the truth

Again, Jesus’ statement in John 14:6 shows that there is only one truth and that is him. It is trite that universally, the concept of truth is one which does not change. When Pilate asked Jesus, what is the truth, Jesus did not answer because undoubtedly, he was the truth before Pilate and Pilate ought to have known this fact, John 18:38. The bible says ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free, John 8:32. The truth is Jesus but because we do not want the truth or believe the truth, we rather have love for the broad way which leads to destruction, John 8:45.   

Jesus’ statement of truth was and still is about God, his nature, his ways, his wants and dislikes. Jesus was sacrificed because mankind disliked the truth. Whatever Jesus spoke was the truth. He spoke of the works of the Holy Spirit, John 16:7 and John 16:13. He said God’s word is truth, John 17:17. Jesus is our High Priest without sin though tempted, Hebrews 4:15. These confirm that Jesus was not only truthful but that he was the truth. Stop doubting Jesus and his words of truth. Embrace the truth and live.

Jesus as the life

Jesus said he is the only life, no other is. In other words, he is the only giver of eternal life. Of course it is by his precious blood that we have eternal life. As proof of that fact, he as the owner and giver of life raised Lazarus from death and others also. Surely Jesus demonstrated that you cannot give what you do not have or that you can give only what you have. There have been many claimants to life but they died and never resurrected. Only Jesus laid down his life and took it back as he promised. What more do you need to be satisfied. Jesus continues to live till eternity. 

The angels at Jesus’ tomb also confirmed that he has risen, Matthew 28:6. It is the righteous who shall have eternal life, Matthew 25:46. Eternal life is also for those who believe in Jesus, John 3:15-16. The Father loves Jesus because he laid down his life so that he may take it back, John 17:18. Now that you have known the truth that there is only one way, one truth and one life that is Jesus Christ, your confusion about God’s pointer to heaven is dissolved. Just hold on to Jesus to take you where you belong, eternity.


Lord Jesus may the truth of your word set me free from my state of doubt, conflict and confusion about the only way, truth and life as the compass to my home in heaven. Amen!!

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