Jesus is always at hand. There are convincing and encouraging biblical examples when Jesus did not pass those who ever called on him by. Those who say otherwise have no biblical knowledge of the truth. We are called to share this truth with the world as follows: 

The disciples on the stormy sea

The disciples said to Jesus in Mark 4: 38-39, teacher, do you not care that we are perishing? He woke up and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, peace be still. Then the wind ceased, and there was a dead calm. Jesus responded because he did not want any to perish and so is his unchanging love today. At sea, in whatever storms we may be, away from normal reach, when frightened of tempest, we are assured that the master of the storms will speak peace into our situation if we call on him. Even in the storm, though appeared asleep, Jesus was with the disciples whom he had called.

The story of the two blind men

In Matthew 9: 27, two blind men followed Jesus crying out loudly, have mercy on us Son of David. They followed Jesus into the house where he went and for their faith and their determination, Jesus touched their eyes and healed their sights. Jesus however ordered them not to make it public for his own reason. Everything we say or do must be on Jesus’ instructions and not as we think right. When we show resilience and exercise faith in Jesus he will never pass us by. Most of us are blind in spirit and cannot see our way clearly. Jesus will not pass us by but restore our vision when we call on him. 

The subdued two blind men

Also, in Matthew 20: 30-31, two blind men when they heard that Jesus was passing by, defied all odds and subjugation and cried, Lord, have mercy on us, Son of David. Jesus asked them, what do you want me to do for you? They said Lord, let our eyes be opened. Moved with compassion, Jesus healed them. Jesus wants us to state our case before him. He wants us to acknowledge him as the Christ. When Jesus sees our helpless condition with a ready heart he will not pass us by. When we are heckled and oppressed and bullied and intimidated and not tolerated in any way, we must remember that Jesus is with us and will not pass us by when we invite him to assume leadership.

The troubled Canaanite Woman

In Matthew 15: 22-28, a Canaanite woman cried out to Jesus saying, have mercy on me, Lord, Son of David; my daughter is tormented by a demon. Jesus did not answer but said, I was sent to only the lost sheep of the house of Israel. She knelt and continued pleading. Jesus said, it is not fair to take the children’s food and throw it to the dogs. Still showing great faith she said, yes Lord, yet even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table. For her great faith, her daughter was healed instantly. 

The lost sheep of the house of Israel are God’s spiritually lost children from his kingdom. The dogs are those who are perceived unclean or those who are slaves to ungodly doctrines. The children’s food is the word of God. Jesus wanted the Canaanite woman to confess that she was spiritually lost, that she was spiritually unqualified but ready to be healed by the word. Upon her acceptance, her daughter was healed. Sometimes we are responsible for our family calamities through ancestral curses. Are our families under any spiritual bondage? Let us call Jesus as he passes our way. 

The story of blind Bartimaeus

Jesus did not pass Bartimaeus by when he called upon him for healing of his sight in Mark 10: 47; Luke 18: 38-39. Even for our material needs, Jesus does not pass us by when we call on him. At the wedding feast in Cana of Galilee in John 2: 1-10, after Mary, Jesus’ mother had approached him to assist when the wine got finished, she said to the servants, in John 2: 5 do whatever he (Jesus) tells you. Whoever does not want Jesus to pass him or her by must be ready to do what Jesus says. When Jesus called him, he immediately responded to the invitation. Jesus will not pass us by when we respond to his call.  

The story of Paul and Silas

When Paul and Silas were seized and cast in prison, the bible says in Acts 16: 25-26 about midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly there was an earthquake, so violent that the foundations of the prison were shaken, and immediately all the doors were open and everyone’s chains were unfastened. When we are satisfied with Jesus in good and bad times and when we express it in songs and prayers from the heart, we honour him and he will never pass us by. Jesus inhabits honest praises, are we honest with Jesus?

All who called on Jesus receive attention

Wherever Jesus went, all who sought for his intervention in their lives received positive answers to their requests out of compassion, Mark 6: 56. Jesus’ mission as captured in Luke 4: 18-19 was (and still is) to bring good news to the poor; proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, and let the oppressed go free and to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour. If anyone needs any form of release he or she may call on Jesus not to pass him or her by and it shall be done. It is God’s business not to leave any of his children out of his grace until we are called home to eternity. What is your need? 

When can Jesus pass us by?

Jesus does not pass us by. We rather pass Jesus by when we embrace sin. We also feel that Jesus has passed us by when we make the wrong choices in our lives against God’s will for our lives. Joshua made the right choice with his family to serve God and it went well with him, Joshua 24:15. Adam made the wrong choice and ate the forbidden fruit and he drove himself from God’s presence, Genesis 2: 16-17.

 Israel dispensed with God’s leadership when they asked Aaron to make for the gods who will lead them and thereby lost God’s protection, Exodus 32: 1. We will lose Jesus when we become his enemies, and not his friends, James 4: 4. When we fill our hearts with iniquity, Jesus will not hear us, Psalms 66: 18. When we have no faith in Jesus, he will not be pleased with us, Hebrews 11: 6. Jesus will always stop where his worshippers obey him, John 9: 31. Jesus is passing by, have we called on him?


Dear Lord Jesus, we are ready to reform so do not pass us by. Even in the noisy crowd and deafening noises, let your mercy love and favour locate us for your blessings. Be our friend and come in and dine with us so our souls may be refreshed with your living water. Give voice to our souls to call upon you every moment of our lives for direction and guidance. We pray in your holy name, Amen!!

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