A number of us have been called by God to his service. God continues to call us because there is so much to be done before he comes. He also calls us also because he knows our days are numbered and he wants us to attain a worthy crown of life. 

However, anytime God calls us to his service, we make excuses why we should decline. The bible says the harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few, Matthew 9:37.  God needs men and women like you for his service now. Our reasons for decline are many, some of which are discussed hereafter.

Fear of an unknown future

When God calls, he gives you a promise and honours same so there is no need to fear for your future. To Abram he changed his name to Abraham with a meaning, to be the father of all nations and to protect him, Genesis 12:1-3. Abraham did not live to see how great a nation his descendants would become, yet God continues to honour his promise to date. 

The Lord is faithful in all his words, and gracious in all his deeds, Psalms 145:13. The Lord will care for our future. When God calls you, he defines your mission so you are always occupied. Paul then called Saul had his mission defined by God, Acts 26:15-18. When Jesus called his disciples, they were largely fishermen but he said to them, follow me, and I will make you fishers of men, Mark 1:17; Matthew 4:19.  

Lack of trust and faith in God

We are often limited in knowledge about the God’s awesome nature and unlimited capacity. We claim to know him by lip service not from a heart of faith. This is why decline God’s call though a rare privilege to serve under his direct command. Daniel 3:19-21 describes the challenges the three Hebrew boys faced being cast in a furnace heated seven times.

Unpreparedness to work for Jesus

We are unprepared for Christ because of our love for worldly pleasures. The failure to accumulate or amass wealth clouds our sense of judgment to heed to Christ’s call. Jesus told those who wanted to inherit eternal life to sell their possessions, give to the poor and come and follow him but they were sorrowful for the conditions, Luke 18:22; Matthew 19”21-22. We are not prepared to lose anything for the sake of Christ. How prepared are you to sacrifice what you treasure most for Christ?

Escaping hardship for Christ

They firmly exercised faith and trust in God and defied the odds, Daniel 3:16-18. The prophet Daniel also faced a similar situation when there was a decree that all wise men be slain, Daniel 2:13. He was cast into the lion’s den for his faith, Daniel 6:16-20. He trusted the Lord and did not care what people did or said about him and his relationship with God. These men were firm because they knew who their God was and the essence of faithful relationship with God. Why do we quaver in faith and trust in God? Paul and the disciples were defiant or unyielding in spite of notice of death. Are you ready to die for Jesus?   

Fear of violence against us

Many think they would die for persecution and they do not want it. Jesus said those who lose their lives for his sake will gain it and those who keep it will lose it, Matthew 10:22, 29, 16:25. Paul said for him to live is Christ, and to die is gain, Philippians 1:21. Whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s, Romans 14:8. We are also not prepared to lose what gives us wealth or power. Jesus said no one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God, Luke 9:62. Are we ready to carry the cross?

Avoiding humiliation

We also try to avoid humiliation but it is part of the Christian life. Jesus suffered humiliation, Matthew 27:26-27. He was ridiculed as king of the Jews. He was mocked that he saved others but cannot save himself, Matthew 27:42; Mark 15:31; Luke 23:35; John 19. On the cross he was mocked as calling Elijah to save him. We like lambs are also humiliated to our slaughter in denial of justice, Isaiah 53:7. The fear of failure and the conditions to overcome also inhibit us from answering Jesus’ call. 

When Jesus’ disciples failed to cast out demons, they were embarrassed. Jesus said this kind cannot be driven out by anything but prayer, Mark 9:29. Christians of today do not want to pray nor fast. A walk with Jesus entails prayer and fasting. We are not to live by bread alone but on God’s word, Luke 4:4, Matthew 4:4. Let us learn to feed more on the word than on feeding our bellies lest we will fail. 

We feel shy of Jesus Christ

Many of us feel shy to profess Jesus in public. Sometimes our lives are exactly opposite of godliness so we are betrayed in public. We therefore lack moral courage to confess Jesus publicly. We live double lives, one in secret and the other in public. We cannot deceive or mock God, Galatians 6:7. Why do we feel shy of Jesus? What has he done wrong for us to disown him? If we feel ashamed of Christ, he will feel ashamed of us at his judgment seat, Mark 8:38; Luke 9:26. Paul and the disciples were not ashamed because they led transparent lives under God’s direction, Romans 1:16. He tells us not to be ashamed to testify to our Lord, 2 Timothy 1:8. Rather than being shy, we should be proud of Jesus.

Feeling of inadequacy

God does not call us without providing for our shortcomings. He gives us his grace, 2 Corinthians 12:9 Moses said he was not eloquent so God provided Aaron to assist him, Exodus 4:14. The Israelites did not believe David could defeat Goliath but God gave David courage and wisdom, 1 Samuel 17:32-51. Caleb and the spies sent to spy and to take the promised land of Canaan were timid so they returned with an evil report, Numbers 13:3.  God however gave Caleb courage to take the city. The disciples went into hiding after Jesus was crucified, John 20:19. However, they emboldened them with the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, Acts chapter 2. What is the feeling of inadequacy with Jesus?    


Lord Jesus, heal my excuses and use me for your purpose. In your precious holy name I pray, Amen!!

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