In Micah 1-3, the bible said the target of the destruction of Samaria and Jerusalem included their high places. Biblically, high places are places of worship of gods, social activities and meeting places for the powerful in society. Spiritually, high places include the treasures of man’s heart or what controls man, and the source of man’s boasting such as wealth, fame and power. 

Every man has his personal high place in life that controls him or his thoughts, imagination or action. Just as Micah warned the people, so will God be a witness against us from his holy throne if we remain stubborn in heart. We need to change our high places. Remember, all things shall pass away except God’s word, Mark 13:31. What is your high place in this short life? Will God testify for or against you? 

God will destroy your high places that you have struggled in vain to acquire. They will rather destroy you if they are not of the Lord. Micah said God will make their high places desolate because they were gathered from harlot to public knowledge. It is confirmed biblical principle that except the Lord builds the house the builders labour in vain; and except the Lord watch over the city the watchman stays awake in vain, Psalms 127:1. Why possess a high place that would be rendered desolate in due course? 

God as witness

Micah started his prophecy with a very disturbing statement: Let the Lord GOD be witness against you, the Lord from his holy temple. God was a witness to the high places of Samaria and Jerusalem. No one can escape God’s knowledge. The Lord’s holy temple meant God’s dwelling place. It was a place of truth, honesty, remorse and forgiveness. Referencing God as a witness against the people connoted truth from God’s knowledge. To every action, there is a reward or punishment. Will you have God to witness against you or for you? 

The people were comfortable with their iniquities without any secrets. They coveted peoples’ fields (livelihoods); peoples’ houses by violence; oppressed men, their houses and inheritance; polluted children from God and away from God’s glory. They engaged in ritual murder (for power and wealth); abhorred judgment; engaged in perverted justice (without equity); built Zion (strongholds) with blood and Jerusalem (God dwelling) with iniquity (illicit resources); delivered judgment for reward (sale); priests taught for hire (hired to preach); prophets prophesied for money (food prophets).

God’s high place

The only true high place is God’s will. Our preference may differ from God’s preference. However, the right high place must prevail in our priority of rights. In no doubt, man’s high place may be good yet it must be subject to God’s will. The grace of God allows us access to God’s throne. The people of Samaria and Jerusalem tasted punishment for patronizing the wrong high places, evil desires. What secret high places are you hiding from the Lord? You must first consider the kingdom of God and his righteousness before considering all others, Matthew 6:33.


Dear Lord, I would rather have you witness for me than against me. Please replace my high places with yours in my heart. Let your will be my high place always. I pray in the blood of Jesus Christ. Amen!!

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