A vow is a sacred promise made to the Lord with or without a request from the Lord. It is made voluntarily between two or more persons or parties. Biblically, it is made between mankind to the Lord. Upon making a vow to the Lord, he attaches spiritual significance and importance to it and consequently he holds us accountable for our vows. 

A vow is an inducement for performance by the receiving party. It is deemed to be made in utmost good faith or from a sincere heart having considered all circumstances. A vow which is fulfilled goes with blessings for God appreciates it as honesty and a show of gratitude. When we fail to discharge our vows, it amounts to dishonesty, disrespect or a sin and thus attracts God’s anger or wrath. Breaking a vow made to the Lord is a grievous sin.

To breach our vow to God is to mock God. However, Galatians 6:7 says do not be deceived; God is not mocked, for whatever a man sows, that he shall also reap. Ananias and his wife Sapphira breached their vows to the Holy Spirit so they died instantly, Acts 5:1-5. The bible also says that wages of sin is death, Romans 6:23. It says further that the soul that sins shall die, Ezekiel 18:20. 

Our attitude towards vows

We are most dishonest and utterly deceitful in heart. Psalms 50:23 says he who brings thanksgiving as his sacrifice honours me; to him who orders his way aright I will show the salvation of God. God expects us to honour our vows to him with our substance which is the first fruit of our produce, Proverbs 3:9. The first fruit is the first proceeds of God’s blessings however we may describe it after he has blessed us. 

Proverbs 8:18 says is God not the owner of riches and honour, wealth and prosperity? Why do we feel reluctant to give him what he is due based on our vows to him? No vow that we make to the Lord is too big for us to honour after God has fulfilled his part to us. Whatever we receive from God is to test our sincerity or honesty. Can we pass the test of honesty before God regarding honouring our vows to the Lord when they are due?

Remedy for breached vows

A number of us have brought either blessings or calamities upon ourselves and our loved ones. We have either been faithful to God with our vows or that we have broken our vows to the Lord. It is just by grace that those of us who have broken our vows to God have not yet received our punishments. Our continuous existence is because of God’s sufficient grace, 2 Corinthians 12:9. 

Grace gives us another chance to perform as we ought to have done. God will not change his mind at the judgment seat after our death. The bible says that from his fullness have we all received grace upon grace, John 1:16. Paul says where sin increased, grace abounded the more, Romans 5:20. We cannot continue to renege on our vows to the Lord in the abundance of God’s grace, Romans 6:1, 15

We are guilty of sin and we must ask for pardon and cleansing through the immaculate blood of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. We cannot continue to take our vows which we have made to the Lord for granted. It is a grievous sin to receive a favour which we do not deserve from God based on our deception of promise which we have made to the Lord God Almighty because it is palpably fraudulent for us to do so.


Lord Jesus, we are guilty of breaking our vows to you. We repent of our sins and ask for forgiveness and cleansing in your blood. Thank you Jesus for answered prayers, Amen!!

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