The Bible has given us a plethora of types or conditions of prayers that would receive Jesus’ positive responses.  However, God through Christ Jesus has the sole sovereign authority to react to prayers.  Biblical evidence of conditions under which prayers have been answered includes the following:

  1. The Prayer of a righteous man, James 5:16; Proverbs 15:8, 29 
  2. Prayer that will enhance our relationship with God, Luke 21:36; 22:32 
  3. Abiding in Christ Jesus and his words abiding in us, John 15:7
  4. Praying with a clean heart, Psalms 66:18
  5. Forgiving others unconditionally or without any grudge, Matthew 5:8 and 24; Mark 11:25
  6. Praying with absolute faith, Mathew 17:20; 21:22
  7. Praying in accordance with God’s will or plan or purpose, Matthew 7:8; Luke 11:10 
  8. Praying for a need and not for a want, Philippians 4:19
  9. Praying on God’s instructions, Matthew 26:41; Mark 14:38; Luke21:36 
  10. Praying without hypocrisy or deception, Matthew 6:5
  11. Praying to reverence God, Matthew 6:9; Luke 11:2
  12. Prayer of innocent children, Matthew 18:3; 19:14; Mark 7:27; 10:14
  13. Having Jesus to pray for us, Luke 22:32; John 14:16; 19:9, 15, and 20
  14. Group prayer of God’s chosen or anointed, Acts 4:31
  15. Having the Holy Spirit to intercede and guide us in prayer, Romans 8:26
  16. Offering intercessory prayers for others, Genesis 20:17
  17. Praying in righteousness for love and success of others, Genesis 24:12; 25:21 
  18. Prayer made with an unfailing vow to the Lord, 1 Samuel 1:11; 27
  19. Praying for and on behalf of a nation, 2 Chronicles 6
  20. Praying in humility and penitence of heart, 2 Chronicles 7:14; Isaiah 38:5
  21. Prayer of the oppressed, Psalms 102:17 
  22. Prayer that is based on the word of God, Proverbs 28:9
  23. Praying from a heart that are free from or guilt of blood, Isaiah 1:15
  24. Prayer of repentance from idolatry, Jeremiah 7:16; 14:11 
  25. Prayers covered by grace, 2 Corinthians 12:9

God’s plan or will is supreme to all circumstances. To the extent that prayer is communication with God, we must appreciate his nature in order to have effective communication with God. What is your relationship with God and Jesus our Lord and Saviour? It is not too late to invite him into your life.


Lord Jesus, I pray in humility that you may align my needs with your will that I may not pray amiss. In your precious holy name I pray with thanksgiving. Amen!!

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