God’s call means God’s invitation to us to engage in his service. The expanse of God’s service is indescribable and it is wide and varied, small and big. We are made to fit in this puzzle depending on God’s plan and purpose for our respective lives. We should not look for big things but ask for humility. Preparing to hear God’s call is in two categories, non-preparation and actual preparation.


Non-preparation is making no effort to hear God’ when he calls. It is blocking God out of our hearing. It happens when we decide not to accept God’s invitation. It is a laissez-faire attitude which is a negative attitude to either fail God’s mission or to qualify for an excuse that we are unfit. God is however not moved by this attitude. 

In other situations, it is not negative but simply having no prior preparation. Abraham, the disciples, Paul, etc. were never prepared yet were used by God because they accepted the call. Refusing to hear God’s call comes with dire consequences. Jonah hid on a ship trying to escape God’s call but ended up in the belly of the whale, Jonah 1-2

God can cause the Holy Spirit to arrest such spiritual deviants. God is the custodian of all spiritual laws and they rest in his bosom, Jesus is the judge and the Holy Spirit is the prosecutor. We have the primary law of God through our conscience. The knowledge calls for us to listen to Jesus, Matthew 17:5; Mark 9:7. We cannot escape the law of Christ like a conscript deserting orders.  Just as ignorance of the law excuses no one so is it in God’s world to us created by God with his spirit.   

What is preparation?

This is about psyching up positively to hear God when he speaks or calls. No one knows when God will call yet we must prepare. It involves waiting on God through prayer, meditation, and participating in God’s business as we are able. It calls for patience. It is without a rush. Our preparation can never be adequate so we must not have false hopes or false confidence.

However, God’s spirit will always provide for our shortcomings. God will always call those who are prepared and he will give us strength, knowledge and wisdom.  Examples of those who prepared include Matthias who replaced Judas and Samuel among others. Preparing to hear from God is a sobering and humbling experience. It does not mean that we would be the first to be called or we are the most qualified. God can use anybody for any purpose depending on the task ahead. 

We should prepare with an open mind because our calling may or may not differ from others. We must not insist on a particular mode of call or dictate to God but resign ourselves to his infinite wisdom. Preparation means getting ready to hear from no other but Christ Jesus and without divided attention. No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God, Luke 9:62.

How to know God’s call

We must be alert with the knowledge that everything of God attracts counterfeit. Consequently, we must lookout to expose and reject the counterfeit of Satan. God does not give us counterfeit. The architect and owner of the counterfeit is Satan therefore we must not entertain the devil’s antics. The devil comes as a wolf in sheep’s clothing, Matthew 7:15.

We will know God’s call if we are watchful and remember that the devil has disguised himself as an angel of light seeking those he should devour, 2 Corinthians 11:14. We are surely the devil’s target so this calls for prayerful re-evaluation of offers we receive or events we associate with. When we retain consciousness of the fact and existence of deceit, we must be determined to seek the true light, Isaiah 58:2. Satan’s primary purpose is to derail God’s elect so we must first test every spirit, 1 John 4:1-3.

When we successfully resist the devil to flee from us, then God’s voice will become clear, James 4:7. We must therefore delight to have sound knowledge of God’s word, reading and meditating on it day and night and observing same, Joshua 1:8.When we have a true and closer walk with Jesus by self-denial, we will know the voice of Jesus when he speaks, Matthew 8:34.

How to test every spirit  

We must first pray for the ability to distinguish between spirits, 1 Corinthians 12:10. In order to succeed in this, Jesus said we must watch and pray that we do not fall into temptation, Matthew 26:41; Mark 14:38; Luke 21:36. We have to stay alert without quenching the spirit, 1 Thessalonians 5:19.  The Holy Spirit is our enabler, John 14:26

We must not be led away by diverse and strange teachings, Hebrews 13:9. We must not accept strange doctrines or patronize unfamiliar spirits as Paul cautioned the church in 2 Corinthians 11:3-4. We must be content with God and ask him for answers and directions always, Philippians 4:6. We must understand what the will of God is in all situations, Ephesians 5:17

We must devote to spiritual things so we may not be judged in the end, 1 Corinthians 2:15. We must be wise because Jesus wants us to be wise as a serpent, Matthew 10:6. We must constantly examine ourselves whether we are holding to the faith. By this, we must test ourselves and ensure we have passed the test of scripture, 2 Corinthians 13:5.


Dear Lord Jesus, as the first born of all spirits prepare us for your call. Lead us to distinguish your voice from deceptive spirits so we may not dwell with evil anymore. In your name we pray, Amen!!

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