In order to preserve the truth, we must know from a biblical point of view what the truth is? We read from 1 John 2:21 that no lie is the truth. In other words, truth is the opposite of lies. Jesus also said in John 14:6 that I am the way, the truth and the life; no one comes to the Father, but by me. Therefore in preserving the truth is preserving God’s word as written and spoken by Jesus and his Father. 

Why must we preserve the truth?

We must preserve the truth because it is God’s will, God’s instructions and God’s directions. In Proverbs 4:4 the bible says let your heart hold fast my words; keep my commandments, and live. Proverbs 7:2 says keep my commandments and live; keep my teachings as the apple of your eye. 2 Timothy 1:14 says we must guard the truth. 

We are also to preserve the truth because the knowledge of the truth will make us free, John 8:32.  This freedom is unlimited and guaranteed because it comes from Jesus, John 8:36. We also preserve the truth because Jesus said in Luke 10:25-28 that do this and you will live

When and how can we preserve the truth?

Jesus said go therefore and make disciples of all nations…, Matthew 28:19. Jesus meant immediately so the truth must immediately be preserved. The bible has also catalogued a litany of conditions by which the truth was and must be preserved. They include the following:

  1. Knowing, searching or inquiring about biblical truth, John 8:32, 36; 1 Peter 1:10
  2. Allowing the Counselor, the Holy Spirit to teach and remind us of the truth, John 14:26
  3. Not being ashamed of Jesus Christ and the gospel, Luke 9:26; Hebrews 11:16
  4. Sharing the gospel of the truth to admonish the perishing, 1 Corinthians 4:14
  5. Determined to honour Christ Jesus in our bodies whether by life or death, Philippians 1:20
  6.  Sharing the word without fear in suffering for the gospel, 2 Timothy 1:8; Ephesians 6:14
  7. Having God’s approval as his workmen to rightly handle the word of truth, 2 Timothy 2:15
  8. Showing faith in God to guard us until the day he has entrusted to us, 2 Timothy 1:16
  9. Avoiding listening to those who cannot accept the truth with knowledge, 2 Timothy 3:7
  10. Avoiding unsound teaching, itching ears or strange doctrines, 2 Timothy 2:2; 4:4; Titus 1:14
  11. Being sanctified for God’s work of truth, Hebrews 2:11
  12. Avoiding the influence of the position of men but God, Matthew 22:16
  13.  Having God’s word of truth to dwell in us, John 1:14; 2 Corinthians 11:10
  14. Obeying God to preach the word to all nations, Mark 13:10; Luke 24:47; 1 Timothy 2:3-4
  15. Bonding with the love of Christ Jesus in all circumstances, Romans 14:8; 8:35,39
  16. Not caring about name calling for the sake of Christ Jesus, Acts 26:25; Galatians 4:16
  17. Being men of conscience for Christ Jesus, Romans 9:1
  18. Determined to uphold nothing but the truth, 2 Corinthians 13:8
  19. Not yielding submission because of Christ Jesus, Galatians 2:5
  20. Confronting the wrong for the sake of Christ Jesus, Galatians 2:14
  21. Avoiding bitter jealousy and selfish ambition and boasting, James 3:14
  22. Maintaining purified soul through obedience for the love of Christ, 1 Peter 1:22
  23. Having fellowship with God without walking in darkness, 1 John 1:6
  24. Accepting and confessing our sins for cleansing, 1 John 1:8
  25. Being active for Christ in a church that is a pillar and bulwark of the truth, 1 Timothy 3:15 

Have we been preserving the truth? God has called us to so. If we have any challenges, we should make same known to God who has called us to his service. He will surely intervene so that his truth will be preserved publicly and in our hearts. Confessing our shortcomings sincerely to God must be daily. It is not too late to invite God to preserve his words I you and you in him.


Dear Lord Jesus, please guide and guard us to preserve the truth of his word under the shadow of your peace and divine security in all circumstances till the day of our calling. Give us the spirit of boldness to face the world for your name sake. In your precious blood we pray, Amen!!

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