Miracles are events which cannot be explained by human mind or intelligence or logic so things of God are always shrouded in miracles because God’s ways are different from ours. Isaiah 55:8 says for my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, says the Lord. Jesus Christ however sometimes used miracles to explain his messages because miracles do not require any language or dialect to communicate the event. 

Jesus performed many miracles and there were also many miracles about him or connected to him. We conclude our discussions about the pivotal lessons which Jesus wanted us to know from his miracles with his third article. We pray to the Lord to give us his grace to do what he has commanded us to do as we discuss the last set of Jesus’ miracles which the Holy Spirit has pointed us to discuss.

1. He taught and spoke with awe – In Matthew 7: 28; 13: 54; Mark 1: 22; 6: 2; Luke 4: 32 Jesus a carpenter’s son without formal education, taught with astonishing depth of knowledge. Jesus is the source of all knowledge, wisdom and understanding and he teaches by the Holy Spirit. He will teach us into all truths if we engage him as our teacher. Do we lack knowledge in any area of our lives? Come to Jesus now.

2. He died to save us on the cross – In Matthew 27: 50; Mark 15: 37; Luke 23: 46; John 19: 30 Jesus cried aloud and yielded up his spirit (died) on the cross. It is a miracle that Jesus’ death placates all sins forever if we believe and accept him as savior. God showed his love for us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit. Are we in any spiritual prison? Christ Jesus is ready to redeem us forever. 

3. The Spirit as a dove descended on him – In Luke 3: 22 at Jesus’ baptism the Holy Spirit descended upon him in bodily form, as a dove. God always joyfully publicly identifies those who are his; gives them a mark of identity and symbol of authority by the Holy Spirit not of their own acclamation as of many false prophets today. What is our mark or symbol of God’s presence with us? Do we work under the guidance of the Holy Spirit or other contrary spirits? We cannot deceive God for whatever a man sows so shall he also reap. 

4. The Spirit confirmed Jesus’ divinity – In Luke 3: 22 at Jesus’ baptism a voice from heaven said thou art my beloved Son; with thee I am well pleased. God joyfully approved of Jesus’ divinity and the only name by which we can be saved. We only reject Jesus at our peril. Do we know Jesus just as God knows him? Can God say the same of us to the public as pleasing to him?

5. He sent us his Holy Spirit on Pentecost – In Acts 2: 1-12 Jesus sent the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost to his elect in accordance with his promise and in the form and circumstances which was never known to man before. He honoured his promise to be with us always and will not leave us or desert us. He is with us always to lead and teach us in all truths until the end of the world. Who is our spiritual companion?   

6. He taught and spoke with awe – In Matthew 7: 28; 13: 54; Mark 1: 22; 6: 2; Luke 4: 32 Jesus, a carpenter’s son without formal education taught with astonishing depth of knowledge. Jesus is the source of all knowledge, wisdom and understanding and he teaches by the Holy Spirit. He will teach us into all truths if we engage him as our teacher. Do we lack knowledge in any area of our lives? Come to Jesus now.

7. He died to save us on the cross – In Matthew 27: 50; Mark 15: 37; Luke 23: 46; John 19: 30 Jesus cried aloud and yielded up his spirit (died) on the cross. It is a miracle that Jesus’ death placates all sins forever if we believe and accept him as savior. God showed his love for us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit. Are we in any spiritual prison? Christ Jesus is ready to redeem us forever. 

8. He was transfigured – In Matthew 17: 1-3, Mark 9: 1-4 Jesus took Peter, James and John his brother up a high mountain and there he was miraculously transfigured before them with Moses and Elijah talking with him, and his face shone like the sun, and his garments became white as light. Christ Jesus still connects with the righteous who are presumed as dead yet alive in God because the righteous will never die but shine in glory of God the Father Almighty. It also shows Jesus came to fulfill scripture handed over by Moses and Elijah. He is the light of the world and above all lights. Is Jesus the light for our path?

9. He ascended to heaven visibly – In Acts 1: 8-11 Jesus whilst standing with his disciples was lifted up into heaven and the clouds took him out of their sight. Then two angels said, Jesus will come again in the same way as they saw him go into heaven. Jesus came from heaven; he ascended into heaven; and will come again soon to judge the world. He expects us to be ready for his second coming.  Jesus has also said he is coming soon. Will Jesus find us ready when he comes? His coming will be like a thief in the night without warning. We must always be vigilant and watchful for the master’s return.

10. His conception was miraculous – In Matthew 1: 20-21, 23; Luke 1: 31-35; an angel announced the miraculous conception of Jesus with his name as Jesus, (meaning savior of his people from their sins); and Emanuel (meaning God with us). Our second birth is by the miracle of God’s Holy Spirit beyond human comprehension. It is by a divine transformation by his saving grace which enables God to dwell with us always. This warm inexplicable experience can be felt only if we invite and accept Jesus into our hearts as Lord and personal savior. Have we done so? 


Dear Lord Jesus Christ, we humbly beseech you to perform your saving miracle in our lives so we may understand your truths. Help us to accept that you are always with us. Come and stay in our hearts so we may feel your presence always and by your correction we may not go astray. Perfect our rest in thee as you wash away our sins in your precious blood. Save our souls today in your holy name, Amen!!

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