Compassion is a deep seated drive to share the injury of another. It is by the Holy Spirit. Compassion towards mankind is kindness to God. It involves sacrifice of what pleases you most. It is what you would rather keep for yourself but you let go for the sake of Christ. Compassion is unconditional. It is without any expectation in return.  Without real value to you, kindness fails to receive God’s attention. It must be befitting of Christ Jesus. We read in 1 Corinthians 10:31, so, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.

Costly compassion

It must have appreciable value to you. It must have immediate alternative uses. You part with it with pain or a sense of loss yet in consideration for the Lord. It has no relevance to quantum but intrinsic value to you. David said in 2 Samuel 24:24, No I will not offer burnt offering to the Lord my God which costs me nothing. The poor widow recorded in Mark 12:43 also gave the only penny she had to the treasury and Jesus said, Truly, I say to you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the treasury. She put in all she had for God.

Non-costly compassion

This is that which costs you nothing. It is an infinitesimal aspect of your wealth. Often than not, it is what you actually do not need and want to discard with or dispose of. You give it out without any feeling of a loss. It is sometimes accompanied with insults, acrimony or expectation of reciprocity. It is for social recognition and public acclamation. It is bereft of God essence. Such compassion is without divine recognition or reward. In 1 Peter 4:9 the bible says, Practice hospitality ungrudgingly to one another.

Who qualifies for compassion?

All mankind qualify, especially the needy, hungry, poor, orphans, widows, aged, helpless and those who genuinely need assistance or support. It is those who are biblically described as our neighbor. It knows no race, colour, gender or sex, religion or age. It is non-discriminatory. It is those who cannot pay back including the body of Christ and his church. Luke 6:33 says, and if you do good to those who do good to you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners to the same. We sometimes despise the poor because they lack the capacity to reciprocate. 

Purpose of compassion

There are as many reasons as there are the givers. However, God recognizes just a few. It is obedience to God’s command. We show compassion as only trustees of God’s grace to its beneficiaries, the poor and needy etc. the wealth we control or in our custody is for the needy. We thus have a fiduciary duty towards the needy. We renege on our divine grace if we fail to share. We show God’s nature of love in compassion. God’s indwelling spirit in us is the same spirit in others in need. 

When to show compassion

At all times, we must be led by a discerning spirit. This calls for prayer. The spirit would enable us to know when, how and to whom to show kindness. Many shudder to share with the unknown not knowing whether they are human or spirits. Hebrews 13:2 says do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares

God’s spirit resides in every being so we deprive God of his own wealth when we refuse to show compassion towards others. We thus embrace greed, dishonesty, misappropriation or illicit wealth. Matthew 10:8 says, freely ye have received, freely give. This is why God’s grace is without discrimination but abundant to all of us irrespective of our standing with him, 2 Corinthians 12:9.


Our father in heaven, may your spirit lead us to appreciate as in 1 Corinthians 13:13 that the greatest of your commandment is love. Strengthen our individual and collective weaknesses in showing love so we may reflect your nature and bring glory to your holy name through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen!!!

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