In Matthew 5:1-12, Jesus had cause to teach about life and the kingdom of God.  In Matthew 5:1 Jesus demonstrated passion when the multitudes were hungry spiritually. He did not retire to pursue his comfort on the mount but to pray for God’s intervention in the lives of the multitude. Jesus prayed in solitude as he had always done.  Strengthened thereafter, Jesus taught the beatitudes. You need to wait on God in order to minister his word.

The poor in heart

In Matthew 5:3 Jesus said, blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Poor in spirit means having nothing to one’s credit except God. It is a call to charity for the sake of God’s kingdom. It is a call to selfless living which is the character of God’s kingdom or the purpose of heaven. Whatever one forfeits in this life is assured in heaven. Jesus draws a distinction between two kingdoms; God’s kingdom and other kingdoms which ostensibly have different qualifications. The kingdom of heaven is not for greed or selfish life. It is not surprising that Jesus taught this as the first lesson. To Jesus, deprivation for the sake of God is beneficial in spirit.

They that mourn

 Matthew 5:4 says blessed are they who mourn, for they shall be comforted. This refers to mourning in Christ or for the sake of Christ. Jesus will not let your tears, loneliness, or rejection because of him go unrewarded or unrecognized. The comforter is Jesus and he knows all that you are going through. There are many who mourn for God’s sake for various reasons or causes yet are despised by people who hitherto appeared to be loved ones and caring. Jesus says God will comfort those who mourn for his sake. Man may reject you or let you down but Jesus will never fail to wipe your tears with his joy. The principle of reciprocity says do unto others what you want done unto you. Jesus also postulates a different attitude on hearing of sad news including death however traumatizing or devastating. In such times, one needs comfort and love to assuage the pain of a loss or injury or deprivation. Will you do that for Jesus?   

The meek

Matthew 5:5 says blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth. Meekness means to be gentle and humble irrespective of one’s status in society. Jesus was teaching that one has to be meek before God because however your status be, you cannot equate God. God requires humility before him and he will abase the pride but exalt the humble, Matthew 23:12; Luke 14:11. Relationships in this life also pivot on appeals of humility, gentility and mildness. These are qualities that would admit a person to a relationship which ordinarily, he does not deserve but for the meekness. Meekness in all societies is a virtue that is the bedrock of acceptance and forgiveness. Jesus was thus saying that we can succeed in this life if we are meek. Jesus meant that an exercise of power must be with wisdom if it is to have any value for mankind.  Meekness does not pose any threat or apprehension to anybody. It is a revered quality that bonds with all persons. Jesus knew his disciples needed this wisdom and insight in order to succeed in their assignments so he made it available not to only them, but for all generations thereafter.  

The hungry and thirsty

Matthew 5:6 says blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness; for they shall be filled. The bible says we must desire spiritual milk to grow up in salvation, 1 Peter 2:2. It also says man shall not live by bread alone but the word of God, Matthew 4:4; Luke 4:4. Jesus was referring to spiritual hunger and thirst as a spiritual need and for that, he will satisfy. God will meet us the point of our needs provided the request to God is to enable us to have a better relationship or a closer walk with him. Jesus said, for every one who asks receives, Matthew 7:8; Luke 11:10. Spiritual hunger and thirst is a feeling of spiritual void or emptiness which only the Holy Spirit can satisfy. It is a desire to be set apart from this world for God. We need to wait upon the Lord so we shall renew our strength for the battle, Isaiah 40:31. Do you hunger and thirst for righteousness, and if so, when was your last time? 


Lord we pray that let your Holy Spirit guide us to understand your word and the truth about the requirements for this life and hereafter that we may apply wisdom in our relationship with you. We humbly pray in the precious name of Jesus Christ. Amen!!

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