Jesus continued to teach and discuss the beatitudes as follows:-

The merciful        

Matthew 5:7 says, blessed are the merciful; for they shall obtain mercy. This is a call to forgive one another just as Christ has forgiven us, Colossians 3:13. Jesus said we should forgive seventy times seven, Matthew 18:22. This is also a principle of love and a caution against acrimony, retaliation or revenge. God says vengeance is his, Romans 12:19; Hebrews 10:30. Love does not keep offence because God is love. Animosity to man is animosity to God because man has God’s spirit and the body is just the shell. That is why Jesus showed mercy throughout his ministry. Jesus said to those who purposed to stone the prostitute woman, he that is without sin, let him cast the first stone, John 8:7. Then Jesus said to the woman, neither do I condemn you; go, and sin no more, John 8:11. God will be merciful to you if you are merciful to others. It is a divine principle. Learn to be merciful in God’s school of life.

The pure in heart

Blessed are the pure in heart; for they shall see God, Matthew 5:8. A pure heart is a contrite and a broken heart, Psalms 51:17. Man’s heart is God’s dwelling place in our lives. The heart must therefore be pure so must the seat of God. God does not associate with an unclean heart because an unclean heart harbours an unclean spirit and God cannot dwell with an unclean spirit. God as the light cannot dwell in darkness. Jesus meant that, once you create the enabling environment for God, you will see him because he will come and dwell with you. Ordinarily, you cannot dwell with someone without seeing him. Psalms 51:10 says create in me a clean heart O Lord and renew a right spirit within me. This means that any spirit that is not pure is not the right spirit. That is why God judges from the heart so the bible says in Psalms 66:18 that if I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me. A pure heart is a reflection of God’s nature. What is the state of your heart?

Peace makers

 Jesus said in Matthew 5:9 that blessed are the peacemakers; for they shall be called the children of God. This is another nature and attribute of God. A child bears the identity of his parents and the culture of his home. Jesus said that you will know them by their fruits, Matthew 17:16; 20. Though man offended God, yet he made peace with his own through the blood of Jesus Christ. Jesus was thus reiterating God’s character that we must be identified with and emulate. Jesus said, if you bring an offering but remember that a friend has offended you, you must leave your offering and first be reconciled or make peace with your neighbor, Matthew 5:24. In effect God cherishes peace more than offering because one projects a good image of God in peace. Jesus’ whole teachings about love, forgiveness, mercy etc. are all about achieving peace. So Paul says in Romans 12:18 that if it is possible, be at peace with all men. Jesus said similarly in Mark 9:50. Jesus valued peace so he said, my peace I leave with you, not as the world gives, Luke 5:32. Let God’s peace crown all you do.   

Persecuted for righteousness sake

Jesus said blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake; for theirs is the kingdom of God, Matthew 5:10. This was a caution to Jesus’ followers that it is not an easy road to heaven but those who endure to the end shall be rewarded. What Jesus meant was that the way requires determination, resilience and endurance to finish the race. Jesus himself went through a similar persecution by his crucifixion. 

Apostle Paul, like Jesus, showed resilience to finish the race. Paul said in 2 Timothy 4:7 that, I have fought a good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. He was confident to say that he was awaiting his crown which he would have.  Paul was recounting the persecutions he had to endure for Christ’s sake when he said in Romans 8:35, who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Sometimes the persecution may involve life or imprisonment but Jesus says whoever loses his life for his sake will regain it, Matthew 10:39; Matthew 16:25.  God does not forget the sacrifice made for him. All giants of the faith had to endure persecutions in various forms at different times. 

Jesus was thus encouraging us to stand firm even in the face of adversity or losing our lives, freedom, and position in society, friends, family, or things of value. In persecution we are to count it as joy with hindsight that it is a trial of our faith, James 1:2. Do not chicken out so soon. 

The reviled

Jesus said in Matthew 5:11 that blessed are those when men revile you on false accusation on his account, for so were the prophets before you persecuted for great is your reward in heaven. Jesus’ emphasis was on all kinds of evil, false accusations, and persecution. Revile means insult, abuse, scorn, condemn, despise, berate, disparage, ridicule, vilify, denigrate, ridicule, or belittle. For Christ’s sake we may be subjected to these situations. The lies, antics and machinations of this world are so craftily designed and orchestrated that it appeals to natural wisdom and would easily pass for the truth. To be a true believer today is described as anti-social, daft, foolish, and a waste of time and anything nonsensical. We stand being mocked, rejected and confined in solitude or away from normal society for being resilient and adamant for the cross. Jesus says he will reward you greatly. However many are those who cannot wait for their reward in heaven so opt for one on earth. Be careful not to run into sin.      


Lord Jesus, teach us to be peacemakers, to be resilient in righteousness, to show mercy and to be pure in heart that we may have a worthy walk with you always. In your holy name we pray. Amen!!

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